Green World Congress joins call for UNPA

6. May 2008

The global green movement joins the call for the establishment of a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA). This statement is included in point 65 of the final declaration adopted by second Global Greens Congress on 4th May in Sao Paulo. A UNPA is regarded as one step to overcome the "international democratic deficit." "In the face of global challenges such as climate change it is pretty clear that we need much more effective international decision-making. This requires that the world's citizens are better included in international institutions," said Senator Isabelle Durant, Secretary-General of the Belgian party Ecolo, in Brasil. "The resolution adopted by the congress underlines that the green movement is convinced that a dialogue is needed on the notion of a bi-cameral system at the UN,” the leader of the Green Party of Canada, Elizabeth May, noted. The congress in Sao Paulo assembled representatives of green parties and movements from over 80 countries. The Global Greens are the third major international party network to endorse the proposal of a UNPA, following the Liberal International and the Socialist International.

Tags: Brazil