Global democracy and worldwide referendum subject of event in Brussels
The possibility of conducting a worldwide referendum with an equal vote for every person in the world will be among the subjects of an event in the European Parliament next week Tuesday, 23 February, that is hosted by European lawmaker Graham Watson, the EU Chapter of the Club of
Rome and the Secretariat of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The occasion is planned to be used for the presentation of a "Brussels Declaration on Global Democracy."
The public event will begin with a special screening of the documentary "World Vote Now" that was produced over the span of eight years with field-tests in 26 countries in all world regions. "We are told that democracy creates stability and raising living standards. So why not introduce it on a worldwide scale," said filmmaker Joel Ben Marsden who will be present in Brussels. According to Marsden, he and his team of democracy activists so far got "a lot of enthusiastic response."
The film screening is expected to fuel a subsequent panel discussion. Participants will include Graham Watson MEP, a representative of the Spanish EU Council Presidency, a representative of Bolivian President Evo Morales, as well as representatives of amnesty international and the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly.
Film trailer
Speaking at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change in Copenhagen past December, the Bolivian President had suggested a "global referendum on climate change."
"We hope that the Spanish EU Presidency will take a position on the matter on this occasion," said Marsden.