New Topics in Global Justice: 28-30 October 2016, Yale University

Migrant rights and statelessness will be topics at the conference. Picture: UNHCR
Jointly organized by the Global Justice Program at Yale University, Quinnipiac University, the Oxford Consortium for Human Rights, the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly, and Academics Stand Against Poverty, a 2.5-day workshop from 28-30 October 2016 at Yale University will discuss "New Topics in Global Justice."
The first session on the 28th, 2pm, will deal with the question of how the needs, interests and voices of the poorer majority of humankind can be better reflected in decisions on global rules and policies. From different perspectives two panels will discuss whether the creation of a world parliament could be a plausible institutional step and if so, how this could be implemented.
The second session on the 29th, 9:30am, includes three panels that investigate the problem of illicit financial flows. The morning panel is preceded by a screening of the movie The Price We Pay.
The third session on the 30th, 9:30am, includes three panels that deal with the movement to put migrant rights onto the international agenda, including formulating what that means, and will discuss how to take them forward. The situation of stateless persons and how it can be improved will also be a subject.
All sessions will be held in Faculty Room, Connecticut Hall, Second Floor, Yale University, New Haven.
Admission is free. No prior registration is necessary.
For more information please visit the conference website.