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At its meeting on 19-20 November 2007 in the "Palais des Nations" in Geneva, the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) has drawn several conclusions regarding its policy as it is laid down in the "Appeal for the Establishment for […]


On 25 September 2007 Prof. Fernando Iglesias, the Executive Director of Democracia Global, an NGO participating in the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) gave a lecture on the needs and perspectives of democracy at the regional and international level. The event, taking place […]


While passing through Vancouver recently, Gordon Glass, representing 2020*Vision Ltd. on the UNPA-Campaign Steering Committee, met with local Campaign activists, including all Board members of the World Federalist Movement Canada - Vancouver Branch. They agreed that most people approached about the UNPA Campaign seem to […]


Gordon Glass, Director of 2020*Vision Ltd. and representative in the international Co-ordinating Committee of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, presented a paper on the Campaign to the Spring Conference of the British Branch of the International Law Association hosted by the Sussex […]


Reacting to UN-Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's order for a system wide external inquiry into the activities of UN funds and programmes, the Committee for a Democratic UN has reiterated its call for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The pending probe into UN activities once again confirms the […]


On Wednesday the EU-UN Working Group of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the European Parliament dealt with the issue of the establishment a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA). On the invitation of the group's chairman, Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, MEP, the chairman of the Committee […]


On Monday, 20 November, the assistant of the Committee for a Democratic UN for Rwanda, Christophe Hategekimana, was received by the President of the countries' Chamber of Deputies, Alfred Mukezamfura, to present the proposal of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA). Subsequently, the President of […]
