Manifesto calls for replacement of G8/G20 with democratic UN Parliamentary Assembly

11. Mai 2012

International assembly releases manifesto ahead of worldwide mass protests

As hundreds of thousands of people around the world prepared to take to the streets this weekend as part of a global call for change, an international and inter-movement assembly formed of supporters of Occupy, Take the Square and Latin American, African, Asian and Middle Eastern social movements

Logo for the "12M15M" protests

has released a statement describing concrete suggestions for what such global change should entail.

The statement, titled “Global May Manifesto,” calls for “systemic change” in the global economic and political system, in particular for a democratization of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, the Bank for International Settlements and the United Nations. The text that was also published on-line by the Guardian, says that “all decisions affecting all mankind should be taken in democratic forums like a participatory and direct UN Parliamentary Assembly or a UN people’s assembly, not rich clubs such as G20 or G8.” The declaration demands “full democratization of international institutions, and the elimination of the veto power of a few governments.” Among other things, the activists also suggest global taxation of financial transactions and an abolition of tax havens.

While endorsed by consensus by the international assembly earlier this month, the statement makes clear that it “does not speak, or claim to speak, on behalf of everyone in the global spring/Occupy/Take the Square movements.” In a press release issued today, Alvaro Rodriguez, 31, from the Indignados movement in Spain who participated in the process of writing the statement, said: “While the statement does not represent the position of local and city assemblies, the next step is to present it to assemblies around the world for consideration, discussion and revisions, as part of a dialogue of the 'Global Spring' movements taking place across six continents.”

Full text of “GlobalMay Statement” at

Top image: Protesters marching on the street on 15 May 2011 in Madrid, by Álvaro Herraiz San Martín, found at Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

Further reading

14 October 2011: Amid international protests, intellectuals and activists issue manifesto for global democracy

