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At its meeting on 19-20 November 2007 in the "Palais des Nations" in Geneva, the Campaign for the Establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) has drawn several conclusions regarding its policy as it is laid down in the "Appeal for the Establishment for […]


On 25 September 2007 Prof. Fernando Iglesias, the Executive Director of Democracia Global, an NGO participating in the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) gave a lecture on the needs and perspectives of democracy at the regional and international level. The event, taking place […]


While passing through Vancouver recently, Gordon Glass, representing 2020*Vision Ltd. on the UNPA-Campaign Steering Committee, met with local Campaign activists, including all Board members of the World Federalist Movement Canada - Vancouver Branch. They agreed that most people approached about the UNPA Campaign seem to […]


Gordon Glass, Director of 2020*Vision Ltd. and representative in the international Co-ordinating Committee of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, presented a paper on the Campaign to the Spring Conference of the British Branch of the International Law Association hosted by the Sussex […]


In Reaktion auf die Absicht von UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon, die Aktivitäten der UN-Programme einer externen Untersuchung zu unterziehen, hat das Komitee für eine demokratische UNO seine Forderung nach einer Parlamentarischen Versammlung bei der UN bekräftigt. Die Vorwürfe der USA gegen die Operationen von UNDP in […]


Reacting to UN-Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon's order for a system wide external inquiry into the activities of UN funds and programmes, the Committee for a Democratic UN has reiterated its call for a UN Parliamentary Assembly. The pending probe into UN activities once again confirms the […]


Am Mittwoch hat sich die Arbeitsgruppe EU-UN des Auswärtigen Ausschusses des Europäischen Parlaments mit der Einrichtung einer Parlamentarischen Versammlung bei der UNO (UNPA) befasst. Auf Einladung des Vorsitzenden Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, MdEP, wurde der UNPA-Vorschlag vom Vorsitzenden des Komitees für eine demokratische UNO (KDUN) in […]
