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Union Minister Shri Deshmukh presents book, supports establishment of a UN Parliamentary Assembly — In the era of globalization the world’s citizens should be given more responsibility through a directly elected global parliament. This suggestion to improve ...
International assembly releases manifesto ahead of worldwide mass protests — As hundreds of thousands of people around the world prepared to take to the streets this weekend as part of a global call for change, an international ...
The creation of a global parliament was a hotly debated issue at an expert panel that occurred on Thursday as a side event of the Lund Earth System Governance conference in Sweden. While there was ...
The third international gathering of Green parties worldwide, the Global Greens Congress, closed yesterday in Dakar, Senegal, with the adoption of various resolutions, one of which dealt with the question of global democracy. "Greens recognize ...
Treaty could become "dangerous precedent for undemocratic global rule-making" — The Committee for a Democratic United Nations (KDUN), a non-governmental think tank based in Berlin, Germany, says that the "shockingly intransparent and undemocratic" international negotiations for an ...
The World Future Council calls on the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development that will take place in June 2012 in Rio de Janeiro to mark the 20th anniversary of the UN’s Earth Summit in ...
India should approve of proposal, says former foreign minister — Nearly forty sitting members of parliament from India cutting across party lines, around half of them each from the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha, support an appeal ...
Discussion on Erskine Childers’ recommendations for renewing and democratizing the UN at 15th anniversary of his death — The renewing and democratizing of the UN was the subject of an event held on Tuesday in The Hague ...
At a session held in Montevideo, Uruguay, on Friday, the Parliament of the South American community Mercosur (Parlasur) declared its endorsement of "the creation of a Parliamentary Assembly within the United Nations, with the goal ...
The case for the creation of a global parliamentary assembly as a means to democratize global governance is the core theme of a new volume of collected works by Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss. In ...