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To promote world peace and global democracy over 700 women from across India and other countries joined efforts to knit the world's longest scarf measuring 14.09 kilometers. A certificate of the Guinness World Records was ...
Event of “One World – Movement for Global Democracy” in Tel Aviv —Recently a new group was established in Israel to promote “democratic political processes at all levels.” At their latest event in Tel Aviv on ...
"International Conference of Chief Justices of the World" in Lucknow closes with declaration — Gathering in Lucknow in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, an international conference of around 300 chief justices, judges, legal experts and ambassadors ...
Federal Committee adopts resolution at meeting in Cologne / calls on European Parliament to reaffirm its support for a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) —The Union of European Federalists, in short UEF, a pan-European, non-governmental organisation dedicated ...
Two panels at an event on “New Topics in Global Justice” focus on the question of global parliamentary representation —Gathered in one of the oldest buildings of Yale University in New Haven, a 2.5-day workshop on ...
Six current UN experts elected by the world organization's Human Rights Council in Geneva have supported the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, in short UNPA, in the past weeks According to Maina Kiai from Kenya, ...
A first event of this year’s Global Week of Action for a World Parliament was held last Tuesday at the University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires. The founding member of the Argentine organization Democracia Global, ...
Protest against indifference and war / Platform includes call for a UN Parliamentary Assembly —Over 100,000 people participated in a peace march from Perugia to Assisi, two municipalities in the center of Italy, around 170 kilometer ...
Pan-African Parliament and Arab Parliament consider UN reform at joint sitting in Sharm El Sheik, Egypt — The proposal to establish a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly was presented today at a joint sitting of the Pan-African Parliament ...
World Government Research Network hosts workshop in Brisbane / World Parliament one of the topics — Last week, around twenty researchers and practitioners met for two days at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, to discuss "the practical ...