MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MEP (since 2019; S&D); former MP (2013-19); former federal minister, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP; Whip of the social democratic group in the German parliament, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, SPD, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA), Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Germany
Member of the European Parliament (Greens/EFA), Germany
MEP (EPP); Vice-Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MP; President, European Left Party, Germany
MP, Germany
MP; Secretary-General, Social Democratic party (SPD), Germany
MP, Germany
Mitglied des Bundestages, Schatzmeisterin der SPD, Germany
Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, Germany
Mitglied des Deutschen Bundestages, Germany
Member of Parliament, Germany
MdB, Mitglied d. Parlamentarischen Versammlung des Europarates, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, former Deputy Prime Minister of Sachsen, Germany
MP; Vice-Chairperson, Faction of the Social Democratic Party in the Bundestag, Germany
MP, Alliance 90/The Greens, Germany
MP, Germany
MP; Commissioner for Human Rights Policy of the German government, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
Bundestagsabgeodnete der SPD, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP; Leader of the Social Democratic group in the German parliament, Germany
MP; former MEP (-2009); 2008-2018 Chairman, Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
Mitglied der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB; ehem. Bundesvorsitzende, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany
MP; Speaker for European Policy, SPD parliamentary Group, Germany
MP; former MEP, Germany
MdB, Bundesministerin a.D., Germany
MdB, Germany
MdB, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
MP, Germany
SPD-Europaabgeordnete, Germany
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
MP; Speaker for Finance Policy, LINKE parliamentary Group, Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MdB, Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin a.D., Germany
MEP (Chair, EPP), Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
(2017-07-31), Germany
MP, Germany
MdB, Germany
MdB, Bundesministerin der Justiz a.D., Germany
* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)