Nobel and Right Livelihood laureates

Uri Avnery

Journalist, author and peace activist; Right Livelihood Award 2001, Israel


Maude Victoria Barlow

Chairperson, The Council of Canadians; co-founder, Blue Planet Project; Member, World Future Council; Right Livelihood Award 2005, Canada


Nnimmo Bassey

Chair, Friends of the Earth, Nigeria


Ela Bhatt

Founder, Self-Employed Women's Association; Right Livelihood Award 1984, India


Erik Dammann

Author; Founder, The Future In Our Hands; Right Livelihood Award 1982, Norway


Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Dürr

Global Challenges Network; Right Livelihood Award 1987; deceased 2014, Germany


Dr. Asghar Ali Engineer

Centre for Study of Society and Secularism; Right Livelihood Award 2004, India


Prof. Dr. John B. Fenn

Virginia Commonwealth University, Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002 (deceased in December 2010), United States of America


Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung

President, Transcend, Norway


Dr. Juan E. Garcés

President, Fundación Presidente Allende; former Public Prosecutor (i.a. Pinochet extradiction case); Right Livelihood Award 1999, Spain


Prof. Dr. h. c. mult. Clive W. J. Granger

Professor emeritus, University of California, San Diego; Nobel Prize in Economics 2003. Deceased on 27 May 2009, United Kingdom


Günter Grass

Writer; Nobel Prize in Literature 1999, Germany


John Hume

Former leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party; 1998 Nobel Peace Prize, Ireland


Felicia Langer

Human rights lawyer; author (i.a. \"With my own eyes\"); Right Livelihood Award 1990, Poland


Ruth Manorama

President of the National Federation of Dalit Women; Right Livelihood Award 2006, India


Prof. Eric S. Maskin

Professor of Economics and Mathematics, Harvard University: Nobel laureate in 2007, United States of America


Prof. Raul Montenegro

President, FUNAM; Professor, National University Cordoba; Right Livelihood Award 2004, Argentina


Bernard Lédéa Ouedraogo

Former MP; Right Livelihood Award 1990, Burkina Faso


Prof. Dr. John Polanyi

University of Toronto; Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986, Canada


Dr. Richard J. Roberts

1993 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine; Chief Scientific Officer, New England Biolabs , United Kingdom


Dr. Hermann Scheer

MP; Chairman, World Council on Renewable Energies; Right Livelihood Award 1999; Deceased in October 2010, Germany


His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Nobel Peace Prize laureate, Tibet, India


Prof. Dr. Frank Wilczek

Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; Nobel Prize in Physics 2004, United States of America


Prof. Kurt Wüthrich

Professor of Biophysics; Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2002, Switzerland


Alla Yaroshinskaya

former MP; author (i.a. "Chernobyl: The Forbidden Truth"); President, Ecological Charity Fund; former Deputy Minister for Press and Information; Right Livelihood Award 1992, Russia
