All individual signatories

Patricia Bullrich

Former MP (2011-2015); former National Minister of Work; President, Partido Unión por Todos, Argentina


Emil Bülow



Marco Bülow

MdB, Germany


Solomon Maren MHR Bulus



Andreas Bummel

Chairman, Committee for a Democratic UN, Germany


Prof. Charlotte Bunch

United States of America


Ibrahim Bundu

MP, Sierra Leone


Prof. Mario Bunge

Philosopher; Professor Emeritus of Logic and Metaphysics at McGill University in Montreal, Argentina


Emily May Büning

Speaker of Grüne Jugend (Green Youth Germany); former UN Youth Delegate (2009), Germany


Murray Bunton



Rosalia Buono



Ulla Burchardt

MP (-2013); Chairperson, Committee on Education, Research and Technology Assessment, Germany


Peter Burchett



Gerhard Burda



Mag. Gerhard Burda



Siv Burell



Matthew Burge

United Kingdom


Beatrice Bürger



Ben Burgers

Individual member of European Liberal Youth (LYMEC), Netherlands


Gerhard Burgers



James Burgess

Student, University of Queensland, Australia


Ryan Burgess

United States of America


Ryan Burgess

United States of America


Ryan Burgess

United States of America


Simon Buri



Chris Burke

A student from the University of Waterloo., Canada


Prof. Mike Burke



Dick Burkhart

United States of America


Prof. Dr. David Burman

Dentist, professor, Raelian Movement, Green Party candidate, Canada


Dr. Walter Burniat

Pédiatre ULB Hopital des Enfants, Belgium


Walter Burniat

Paediatrician, University Hospital for Children "Reine Fabiola"; active member of IPPNW , Belgium


Prof. Dr. Irina Burova

Professor Faculty of Philology St. Petersburg State University, Russia


George Burrett



Tyson Burrowes

Economics student, Canada


Dr. Michael Bürsch

Ehem. MdB, Mitgründer, Centrum für Corporate Citizenship Deutschland, Germany


Prof. Dr. Ian Burton

Emeritus Professor, Department of Geography, University of Toronto; former Director of Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation, Meteorological Service of Canada, Canada


Martin Burwitz



Eugenio Burzaco

Former MP, Argentina


Aubin Busalb

Étudiant, France


Giorgia Busato



Johan Büser

MP; Assistant Deputy Mayor of Gothenburg, Sweden


Prof. Joseph Busquets



Philippe Busquin

former MEP (-2009); 1999-2004 Commissioner for Research, European Commission; 1992-1999 President, Socialist Party and Vice-President, Socialist International, Belgium


Leandro Bustos

Social communicator from Laboulaye Córdoba, Argentina


Veronika Buszewski

DIE LINKE, KV Herne/Wanne-Eickel, Germany


Dr. Phenyo Butale

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Botswana


Reinhard Bütikofer

Former MEP (-2024, Greens/EFA); Co-spokesperson for the European Green Party, Germany


Darrell Butler

United Kingdom


Albert Buttigieg



Isabell Buttron



Robin Buxton

World Citizen, run my own business, love sailing and the freedom of the outdoors. Dislike any form of nationalism., United Kingdom


Prof. Dr. Jorge Buzaglo

Economist, Sweden


Zoltan Buzas

Voldsvertreter werden nach einer Gemeinwohl Matrix vorausgewählt, die Richtigen in die wichtigen politischen Positionen, Germany


Arturo Buzzalino

Currently a student (M.S. program in Operations Research at George Mason Univ), United States of America


Iain Byers

United Kingdom


Dr. Michael Byers

Academic Director, Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia, Canada


Eric Byrne

former MP, Ireland


Thomas Byrnes

United Kingdom


Adelheid Byttebier

Member of Brussels Hoofdstedelisk Parlement (-2009); Leader of the Green faction, Belgium


Dr. Arantza Caballero González-Rojas



Dr. Samuel Manuel Cabanchik

Senator (-2013), Argentina


Vincent Cable

Former MP (1997-2015); Former Business Secretary; Former Deputy Leader, Liberal Democrats , United Kingdom


Leonardo Cabral



Dr. Luis Cabrera

Senior Lecturer in Political Theory, University of Birmingham., United Kingdom


Mercedes Cabrera Calvo-Sotelo

former MP (2004-2011); Minister for Education and Science (2006-2009), Spain


Maria Roxana Cacenschi

Uni Wien- Studium: Politikwissenschaft und Internationale Entwicklung, Austria


David Cadman

City Councillor, Vancouver, Canada


Prof. Susanna Cafaro



Prof. Susanna Cafaro

Associate professor of EU law at Universitá del Salento, currently on sabbatical leave to work on a research project on supranational democracy, Italy


Xiaxi Cai

United States of America


Dr. Philippe Calain



Anthony Callaert

Student Law, Brussels; President, UNA Youth Section, Belgium


Thomas Callan

I am a PhD student studying Global Politics at Loyola University Chicago., United States of America


Dr. Isabelle Calleja

Lecturer in international politics at the University of Malta, Malta


Rosalie Callway

United Kingdom


Enrique Calvet Chambon

former Member of the European Parliament (until 2019), Spain


Cristina Calvo Worga

Former MEP (-2014), Spain


Graciela Camaño

MP; Third Vice-President, Camara de Diputados, Argentina


Hon Amadou Camara



Prof. Djeneba Camara Toure



France Cambier



Michel Cambier



Sheila Margaret Camerer

former MP (-2009), South Africa


Prof. Maxwell Cameron

Professor at University of British Columbia; specialized in comparative politics and international political economy, Canada


Dr. Silver Donald Cameron

Author, journalist, newspaper columnist, former professor and dean, Canada


Brandon Campbell

United States of America


Donnie Campbell

Senior citizen, Canada


Jack Campbell

New Zealand


Mark Campbell

United Kingdom


Sir Menzies Campbell

MP; Leader, Liberal Democrats, United Kingdom


Paola Campos

Estudiante de Derecho de Universidad Nacional de La Plata, Argentina


Olga Karina Campos Noriega

miembro de Planetafilia A.C, Mexico


Carles Campuzano i Canadés

former MP, Spain


Scandinavio Canadomalsodef



Dr. Jaume Cañellas Galindo

Spokesman and Spanish Group Coordinator, GLOBCAL, Spain


Diego Cánepa Baccino

MP; Frente Amplio, Uruguay


Angela Canet

Translator (english to spanish), Spain


Prof. Laia Cañigueral i Olivé

former MP (-2008), Spain


Prof. Ted Cantle

Institute of Community Cohesion Foundation, United Kingdom


Paula Cantor

