All individual signatories

Jerry Capostinsky

Millworker in Clearwater, B.C., Canada


Sabrina Capozzolo

former MP, Italy


Marco Cappato

former MEP (-2009), Italy


Alejandra Capriata



Prof. Dr. Anton Caragea

President, European Council on International Relations; Director, Institute for International Relations and Economic Cooperation of Romania, Romania


Tamara Caraus



Tamara Caraus



Roberta Carbone

Activist in JEF-UEF and member of the editorial staff of The Federalist Debate, Italy


Mariona Carbonell Del Castillo



Elisa Beatriz Carca

Former MP, Argentina


Jorge Justo Cardelli

MP (-2013), Argentina


Chance Carden

United States of America


Anibal Cardenas

PMI PMP 1351391, Mechanical Engineer, Master\'s Degree in Journalism, Venezuela


Carlos Cardenas

United States of America


Luisa Cardenas

Estudiante Relaciones Internacionales, Colombia


Alberto Cárdenas Jiménez

Former Senator, Mexico


Benjamin Cardin

U.S. Senator (the endorsement was qualified in a letter), United States of America


Charles Cardinaux

United States of America


Guido Ezequiel Carera

Secretario de Juventud de la Defensoría de Tercera Edad y Niñez (ONG), Argentina


Jered Cargman

United States of America


Antonio Stefano Caria



Scott Carlin

United States of America


João Carlos Siqueira*

MP, Câmara dos Deputados, Brazil


Marie-Arlette Carlotti

MP, France


Maria Carlshamre

former MEP (-2009), Sweden


Edmund Carlson



Martin Carlsson



Rebecka Carlsson

Språkrör för Grön ungdom / Spokeperson for the Young Greens of Sweden, Sweden


Prof. Ana Cristina Carluccio

Licenciada en Psicología, Argentina


Mercedes Carluccio

Lic. en Relaciones Internacionales; Coordinadora, Democracia Global, Argentina


María Araceli Carmona

Former MP, Argentina


Marina Carobbio

Former Senator (2019-2023) and former MP (2007-2019), Switzerland


Jamel Carpenter

United States of America


Adriane Carr

Deputy Leader, Green Party of Canada, Canada


Eugenia Carrara

sociologist, working in social inclusion policies., Argentina


Louis Carré



Daniel Carrera



Javier Carrero



Dr. Dale Carrico

United States of America


Dr. Elisa Carrió

MP; Candidate to the Presidency in the 2003 and 2007 Elections, Argentina


Michael Carroll

United Kingdom


Devon Carter



Timothy Roscoe Carter

Program Officer, Democratic World Federalists; Attorney, United States of America


Carina Caruso



Carina Caruso



Gertrud Casel

Geschäftsführerin, Deutsche Kommission Justitia et Pax, Germany


Salvador Cases

Catalan Zoologist., Andorra


Paul Casey

United Kingdom


Sean Casey

Member of Parliament, Canada


Anton Casian



Alexander Caspari



Benjamin Casper

United States of America


Adam Cass

Student, supporter of the UNPA., Australia


Arnold Cassola

former MP, Italy (-2008); Member, Steering Committee, Global Greens Coordination, Malta


Fabio Massimo Castaldo*

Member of the European Parliament, Italy


Carmen Castañeda

Universidad Iberoameicana León, Mexico


Prof. Dr. Micael Castanheira



Gerardo Sosa Castelán

former MP (2000-03, 2006-2009), Mexico


Lars Castellucci



Renaud Castermans



Prof. Juvenal Castillo

Profesor e investigador agricola jubilado, Venezuela


Mitchell Castillo



Jose Luis Castillo Bonilla

Nuestra organizacion desea apoyar a UNPA desde la Republica Dominicana, Dominican Republic


Josefa Castillo Rodríguez

Diputada, Dominican Republic


Tugba Cat

Student, Turkey


Delores Catalan



Gabriele Catania

United Kingdom


Kirtis Catey

United States of America


Hajra Ćatić

President, Women of Srebrenica (Tuzla), Bosnia and Herzegowina


Suzanne Cattaneo



Mariano Caucino



Didier Cavard

Ingénieur retraité, France


Anna Cavazzini*

Member of the European Parliament, Germany


Leonardo Caveda González-Pardo



Federico Caviedes

Estudiante de la carrera de Relaciones Publicas en la UNLAM, Argentina


Dr. Rani Cavoy



Joseph Caygill

United Kingdom


Tomaž Čebela

Student of the European studies on University of Ljubljana., Slovenia


Alberto Cecereu

Escritor; estudiante de Licenciatura en Historia y Pedagogía en Historia y Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Valparaíso, Chile


Henrik Cedergren



Hon. Abdoulie Ceesay

I am a sitting member of parliament in the Gambia, Gambia


Audace Cegetera

Senator (-2010), Burundi


Pier Paolo Cento

former MP (2001-2008), Italy


Cristobal Cervantes



Cristobal Cervantes Flores



Tomislav Cetkovic

Head of Education Department, Infostud, Serbia


Joel Chaban

United States of America


Jos Chabert

MP (-2014), Belgium


John Chabowski



Panacheril C. Chacko

Former MP, India


Luis Gerardo Chacon

Oficial de Seguridad,Custodia y Escolta., Venezuela


Steve Chadwick

MP (-2011), New Zealand


Jacqueline Chaharmahali



Leïla Chaibi*

Member of the European Parliament, France


Gautam Chakrabarti

Assistant Professor in English, RLAC, University of Delhi, India


Prodip Chakraborty



Vanessa Chalco

Estudiante de Ciencias Políticas, Venezuela


Mahendra Chalise

Freelance journalist; General Secretary, Helpless Rehabilitation Society, Nepal


Hon Fatou Cham



Andrew Chamberlain

United Kingdom


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)