MP (-2014), Belgium
Former MEP (-2014), Ireland
former MP (2006-2008); former Vice-President, Foreign and European Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies; former Senator (1996-2006), Italy
former MP (2001-2008), Italy
Former MP; Unión Cívica Radical, Argentina
former MP (2006-2009), Mexico
MP; Députée de la Gironde et médecin hospitalo-universitaire, France
MP (-2014), Belgium
former MP (-2009), South Africa
former MP (2004-2011), Canada
former MEP (-2009), Cyprus
MEP, France
Former MP; Former Member, International Council, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Turkey
Former MEP (-2019), Belgium
Former MP, Bosnia and Herzegowina
former MP (2004-2011), Canada
Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Union Minister of Science, Technology and Earth Sciences , India
Former MEP (-2014), France
1978-1985 Mayor of Ottawa; 1986-1988 MP, Canada
Former MP, Canada
Former MP , Tunisia
Canadian Senator (Ontario) (-2011), Canada
former MP, Argentina
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), India
Former MP; Vice-Líder, Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro, Brazil
former MP (2006-2009), Mexico
MP (-2013), Lithuania
MP (-2014), Belgium
Former MP; Nurse by profession, woman\' rights activist, Eswatini
Former Member of Parliament, Congo (Brazzaville)
Former MP, Austria
Former MP, Canada
former MP (2008-2011), Canada
Conseil national (1999-2007), Switzerland
Former MP, Timor-Leste
former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Mauritius
former MEP (1999-2009), former Senator, former MP, former Minister of State, Ireland
former MP, Greece
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Algeria
MP (-2014), Belgium
Senator (-2014), Belgium
former MP (1990-2011), former Leader of the Bloc Québécois, Canada
Former MEP (-2014), United Kingdom
MP (-2013), Germany
Fromer MP (2012-2016), Romania
Conseil national Suisse (1995-2007), Membre de l’Assemblée Conseil de l’Europe (2004-2008), Switzerland
Former MP (-2016); former Vice-President, Christian Democrat International, Spain
former MEP (2009-2014); Since 2017 Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Belgium
Former Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), India
Former MP (-2009); Formerly Chairman, Sub-Committee United Nations, Deutscher Bundestag; Chair, UNA-Germany, Germany
Former MP, Canada
Former MP, Congo (Brazzaville)
Former Member of Parliament, Uganda
former MP, Democratic Party of Japan, Japan
MP (-2014), Belgium
Retired Senator, Canada
former Member of Parliament, state of Anambra, Nigeria
MP (-2010), Hungary
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Western Sahara
former MP (-2011), Spain
Former MP (2000-2014); architect, Sweden
MP (-2013), Hungary
Former MEP and MP (Greens); since 2016 Minister for Housing and Digitalisation in the Swedish government, Sweden
Former MP (-2017), Germany
Former MEP (-2024, S&D), Germany
Senator; Secretary-General, Latin American Parliament (2006-2010), Argentina
Former MEP (-2014), Portugal
Former MP, Kenya
MP (-2013), Czech Republic
former MP, Slovakia
former MP; former Vice-President, Pan-African Parliament, Libya
Former MP (-2014), South Africa
MP (-2014), Belgium
MP (-2014), Belgium
MP (1997-2013), Switzerland
MP (-2013), Argentina
Former MP , Jordan
Former MEP (2014-2019); Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden
MP (-2013), Switzerland
Former MP (1998-2015) , Switzerland
Former MP, Argentina
MP (-2013); Vice-President, Eurosolar, Germany
MP (-2016), Australia
Former MP, Dominican Republic
Former MP (-2017), Germany
MP (-2012), France
Former MP, Argentina
Member, U.S. House of Representatives 1961-83 (R-IL); Member, Board of Directors, Streit Council for a Union of Democracies, United States of America
Former MEP (EPP), Spain
Former MP (2011-2015), Switzerland
Former MP, Czech Republic
former MP, Belgium
Former MEP (EPP, -2019), Germany
Former MP, Argentina
former Member of Parliament (1997-2011); former vice president of Liberal International, Canada
former MEP (-2009), United Kingdom
Former MP (1992-2015) , United Kingdom
Former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1963-1979); former Mayor of Minneapolis (1980-1993), United States of America
former MEP (-2009); Co-Chairperson, The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament; Board Member, Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, Italy
former Member of Parliament (2006-2011), Canada