Former Members of Parliament

Kurt De Loor

MP (-2014), Belgium


Proinsias De Rossa

Former MEP (-2014), Ireland


Tana de Zulueta

former MP (2006-2008); former Vice-President, Foreign and European Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies; former Senator (1996-2006), Italy


Elettra Deiana

former MP (2001-2008), Italy


Héctor Eduardo del Campillo

Former MP; Unión Cívica Radical, Argentina


Prof. Mario Enrique Del Toro

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Dr. Michèle Delaunay

MP; Députée de la Gironde et médecin hospitalo-universitaire, France


Celine Delforge

MP (-2014), Belgium


Jacobus Tertius Delport

former MP (-2009), South Africa


Nicole Demers

former MP (2004-2011), Canada


Panayiotis Demetriou

former MEP (-2009), Cyprus


Jean-Paul Denanot

MEP, France


Reha Denemec

Former MP; Former Member, International Council, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Turkey


Gerard Deprez

Former MEP (-2019), Belgium


Ismeta Dervoz

Former MP, Bosnia and Herzegowina


Johanne Deschamps

former MP (2004-2011), Canada


Vilasrao Deshmukh

Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Union Minister of Science, Technology and Earth Sciences , India


Harlem Désir

Former MEP (-2014), France


Marion Dewar

1978-1985 Mayor of Ottawa; 1986-1988 MP, Canada


Paul Dewar

Former MP, Canada


Dr. Chekib Dhaouadi

Former MP , Tunisia


Consiglio Di Nino

Canadian Senator (Ontario) (-2011), Canada


Juliana di Tullio

former MP, Argentina


Dr. Charles Dias

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), India


Gastão Dias Vieira

Former MP; Vice-Líder, Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro, Brazil


Felipe Diaz Garibay

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Dr. Jolanta Dickute

MP (-2013), Lithuania


Camille Dieu

MP (-2014), Belgium


Nonhlanhla Dlamini

Former MP; Nurse by profession, woman\' rights activist, Eswatini


Ellion Anicet Donat

Former Member of Parliament, Congo (Brazzaville)


Efgani Dönmez

Former MP, Austria


Fin Donnelly

Former MP, Canada


Jean Dorion

former MP (2008-2011), Canada


Marlyse Dormond Béguelin

Conseil national (1999-2007), Switzerland


Clementino dos Reis Amaral

Former MP, Timor-Leste


Mokshanand Dowarkasing

former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Mauritius


Avril Doyle

former MEP (1999-2009), former Senator, former MP, former Minister of State, Ireland


Ioannis Dragasakis

former MP, Greece


Mohamed Draoui

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Algeria


Dr. Vera Dua

MP (-2014), Belgium


Josy Dubié

Senator (-2014), Belgium


Gilles Duceppe

former MP (1990-2011), former Leader of the Bloc Québécois, Canada


Andrew Duff

Former MEP (-2014), United Kingdom


Garrelt Duin

MP (-2013), Germany


Paul Dumbravanu

Fromer MP (2012-2016), Romania


John Dupraz

Conseil national Suisse (1995-2007), Membre de l’Assemblée Conseil de l’Europe (2004-2008), Switzerland


Josep Antoni Duran i Lleida

Former MP (-2016); former Vice-President, Christian Democrat International, Spain


Isabelle Durant

former MEP (2009-2014); Since 2017 Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Belgium


Priya Dutt

Former Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), India


Detlef Dzembritzki

Former MP (-2009); Formerly Chairman, Sub-Committee United Nations, Deutscher Bundestag; Chair, UNA-Germany, Germany


Wayne Easter

Former MP, Canada


Jose Cyr Ebina

Former MP, Congo (Brazzaville)


David Ebong

Former Member of Parliament, Uganda


Satsuki Eda

former MP, Democratic Party of Japan, Japan


Claude Eerdekens

MP (-2014), Belgium


Art Eggleton

Retired Senator, Canada


Ejiofor, F. A. Egwuatu

former Member of Parliament, state of Anambra, Nigeria


József Ékes

MP (-2010), Hungary


Dr. Ouaddadi Ahmed El-Haiba

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Western Sahara


Remedios Elías Cordón

former MP (-2011), Spain


Annelie Enochson

Former MP (2000-2014); architect, Sweden


Dr. Matyas Eörsi

MP (-2013), Hungary


Peter Eriksson

Former MEP and MP (Greens); since 2016 Minister for Housing and Digitalisation in the Swedish government, Sweden


Petra Ernstberger

Former MP (-2017), Germany


Ismail Ertrug

Former MEP (-2024, S&D), Germany


Sonia Margarita Escudero

Senator; Secretary-General, Latin American Parliament (2006-2010), Argentina


Edite Estrela

Former MEP (-2014), Portugal


David Ethuro

Former MP, Kenya


Vaclav Exner

MP (-2013), Czech Republic


Karol Fajnor

former MP, Slovakia


Prof. Dr. Mohamed Lutfi Farhat

former MP; former Vice-President, Pan-African Parliament, Libya


Stuart Farrow

Former MP (-2014), South Africa


Hamza Fassi-Fihri

MP (-2014), Belgium


Françoise Fassiaux

MP (-2014), Belgium


Hildegard Fässler

MP (1997-2013), Switzerland


Carlos Alberto Favario

MP (-2013), Argentina


Rashad Feddah

Former MP , Jordan


Fredrick Federley

Former MEP (2014-2019); Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden


Hans-Jürg Fehr

MP (-2013), Switzerland


Jacqueline Fehr

Former MP (1998-2015) , Switzerland


Mónica Hayde Fein

Former MP, Argentina


Hans-Josef Fell

MP (-2013); Vice-President, Eurosolar, Germany


Laurie Ferguson

MP (-2016), Australia


María Fernández

Former MP, Dominican Republic


Elke Ferner

Former MP (-2017), Germany


Jean-Michel Ferrand

MP (-2012), France


Francisco José Ferro

Former MP, Argentina


Paul Findley

Member, U.S. House of Representatives 1961-83 (R-IL); Member, Board of Directors, Streit Council for a Union of Democracies, United States of America


Santiago Fisas Ayxela

Former MEP (EPP), Spain


Dr. Roland Fischer

Former MP (2011-2015), Switzerland


Tatana Fischerova

Former MP, Czech Republic


Jean Jacques Flahaux

former MP, Belgium


Karl-Heinz Florenz

Former MEP (EPP, -2019), Germany


Hector Toty Flores

Former MP, Argentina


Raymonde Folco

former Member of Parliament (1997-2011); former vice president of Liberal International, Canada


Glyn Ford

former MEP (-2009), United Kingdom


Don Foster

Former MP (1992-2015) , United Kingdom


Donald M. Fraser

Former Member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1963-1979); former Mayor of Minneapolis (1980-1993), United States of America


Monica Frassoni

former MEP (-2009); Co-Chairperson, The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament; Board Member, Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, Italy


Carole Freeman

former Member of Parliament (2006-2011), Canada
