All individual signatories

Dr. Aude Merlin



Juan Merlo



Nancy Merrill



Lesley Mertens

a world government is necessary to solve the world's inequality, overconsumption, environmental and ethical problems, Belgium


Gaspare Messina



Christoph Messner

Mitglied bei der Partei der Vernunft, Germany


Kyle Metcalfe

United States of America


Roland Methling

Oberbürgermeister der Hansestadt Rostock, Germany


Angelika Methner



Floris Methorst

Vice-chair and treasurer WFBN, Netherlands


Debbie Metke

United States of America


Prof. Dr. Peter Mettler

University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden; Council Member, Union of International Associations, Germany


Matthew Metz

United States of America


Dr. Liliane Metz Krencker



Heinrich Metzmacher

Dipl.-Ing. i.R. Proketmanager, Germany


Esther Meyer



Roswitha Meyer



Golo Meyer-Thoss

Social sciences, Theatre- Film & Media studies, Philosophy & Physics (minor), Dean of studies, Dramaturge, Man. Director, Germany


Prof. Michel Meylemans

Professeur de géographie en lycée , Belgium


Jan Hendrik Meyners

Schüler am Gymnasium; bin 15 Jahre alt, Germany


Stéphane Meyo Alima



Sebastian Meznaric

PhD student at Oxford University, member of Union of European Feder., United Kingdom


Gerri Michalska

Global and community activist. Let's share our spark., United States of America


Élaine Michaud

Former MP, Canada


Antoine Michel

MP (-2013); Member, Pan-African Parliament, Djibouti


Louis Michel

former MEP (ALDE, until 2019); Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister and Minister for Institutional Reform (1999-2004); Member of the European Commission (2004-2009), Belgium


Dr. Hans J. Michelmann

Professor of Political Studies at the University of Saskatchewa, Canada


Daiki Michishita

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Pero Mićić

Management consultant; Chairman, FutureManagementGroup AG, Germany


Lisa Mickleborough



Robin Micklewright

Consultant Software Architect , United Kingdom


Prof. Dr. Meinhard Miegel

Vorsitzender, Denkwerk Zukunft - Stiftung kulturelle Erneuerung, Germany


Smet Miet

MP (-2014); Minister of Labour and Employment; Former State Secretary of Environmental Affairs, Belgium


Batchimeg Migeddorj



Jean-Claude Mignon

Député de Seine-et-Marne; ancien President de lʼAssemblée Parlementaire du Conseil de lʼEurope (2012-2014), France


Ricardo Miguel



Maria Mihaescu



Asahiko Mihara

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Maryann Mihychuk

Former MP, Canada


Jeppe Mikkelsen

Former MP, Denmark


Marianne Mikko

MP (since 2011); former MEP (2004-2009), Estonia


Miroslav Mikolasik

Former MEP (EPP, 2004-2019), Slovakia


Dominik Mikulaschek



Markus Milde



Kevin Mileham

MP, South Africa


Peter Pierre Milenkovic de Millen



Aleksandra Miletic

I was graduated on the Faculty of Political Sciences in Belgrade 2006, Serbia


Klaus Milewski



Marcelo Militão



Dr. Paulos Milkias



Joshua Millar

International Relations and Philosophy student at UNSW, Australia


David Miller

Former Mayor of Toronto, Canada


Dr. Kevin Miller

United States of America


Lynn Miller

United States of America


Rob Miller

None., United States of America


Christopher Mills

Student at NC State University, United States of America


Joseph Mills



Gerardo Milman

Secretary for Homeland Security, Argentina


Joëlle Milquet

MP (-2014); President, Centre démocrate humaniste, Belgium


Gerald Milward-Oliver

United Kingdom


Shitaye Minale Tizazu

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Ethiopia


Shinji Minami



Roger Minikus



Maria Minna

former MP (1993-2011); former Minister of International Cooperation, Canada


Dr. Charles K Minns

Freshwater ecologist concerned about the future of the Earth, Canada


Fatou Mint Hama

Premier Conseiller, Ambassade de Mauritanie, Mauritania


Deyvi Jesús Mio Arqque



Ernesto Miranda



Nuno Miguel Miranda de Magalhães

MP (-2011), Portugal


Oksana Mirovaya



Mandeep Mishra

Consultant in international trade, India


Shakit Prasad Mishra

Co-operation expert, India


Sakshi Misra



Joanie Misrack

United States of America


Colin Mitchell



Dominic Mitchell

United States of America


Dr. Edgar Mitchell

Astronaut; 1971 Apollo 14 Lunar Module Pilot, NASA, United States of America


Gay Mitchell

Former MEP (-2014), Ireland


Margaret Mitchell

former MP (1979-1993), Canada


Louis Mitchell-Turner



Miron Mitrea

Former MP, Romania


Hiromi Mitsubayashi

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Bela Mittelstädt



Michael Mitzkewitz

Economist, Germany


Mihai Miuta



Masao Miyazaki

MP (House of Councilors), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Hiroyuki Miyazawa

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Souleiman Miyir Ali

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Djibouti


Hideaki Mizushima



Hideaki Mizushima



Sithembile Mlotshwa

Senator (MDC-T), Zimbabwe


Monwabisi Mngxaso

South Africa


John Mnyika

Director of Youth, Chama Cha Demokrasia na Maendeleo (CHADEMA), Tanzania


Abdihakim Moalim Ahmed Maalin

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Somalia


Mark Mobley

United States of America


Prof. Dr. Klaus Moegling



Dr. Federica Mogherini

Former MP; 2014 Minister of Foreign Affairs; since 2014 High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Italy


Cory Mogk



Shakeel Mohamed

MP, Mauritius


Emeli Mohamed Ali

