Former MEP (-2014), Ireland
President of Ireland since 2011; former MP (1981-1982, 1987-2011), Ireland
MP (-2012), Japan
former MP (-2008); former Minister for the Environment, Biosecurity, Broadcasting, Disarmament, New Zealand
Nationalrat (1995-1999 und 2003-2011); President, Swiss United Nations Association, Switzerland
Former MP (2007-2013) , Switzerland
former MP (1994-2011); seit 2011 Ministerin für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft, Ernährung, Weinbau und Forsten des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
Nationalrat (1999-2009), Switzerland
Former MP, Sweden
Former MP (2010-2022); former MEP (2006-2009), Sweden
Former MP (2002-2014); Former Second Deputy Speaker of the Swedish Parliameny, Green Party, Sweden
Professor of Political Science, MP 1972-1994, Germany
MP (-2013); Chairman of the Committee on Economic Cooperation and Development, Germany
MP (-2012), France
Former MP, Argentina
Nationalrat (1995-2007), Switzerland
Former MEP (-2014), United Kingdom
Nationalrat (2003-2007), Switzerland
Former leader of the Social Democratic and Labour Party; 1998 Nobel Peace Prize, Ireland
MP (-2013), Luxembourg
former MEP (-2009) , Belgium
Member of Parliament (-2014), New Zealand
Former MP, Canada
former Senator, Haiti
MP (-2013), Malaysia
former MP (1997-2010), United Kingdom
MP (-2012), France
Former MP, Tunisia
MP (-2011), Nigeria
former MP (-2011); Universidad de Lomas de Zamora, Argentina
MP (-2013), Germany
MP (-2013); Human rights activist, Kenya
Former MEP (-2024, RE), Netherlands
former MP, House of Councillors (2004-2010), Japan
Former MP; former MEP, Poland
Senator (-2013); Member, Pan-African Parliament; 1999-2000 Minister of Foreign Affairs and Regional Cooperation, Rwanda
MP; Minister of State for Finance; 2003-2006 Member, Pan-African Parliament, Uganda
MP (-2013), Czech Republic
Former MP, Pakistan
Former MP (-2017), Germany
MP (-2011); President, Portugese delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Portugal
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Gambia
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Gambia
Former MEP, Spain
former MP (1997-2011), Canada
former MEP (-2009), Spain
Former MP, Sweden
Former MP, Switzerland
Former MP (2005-2015) , Switzerland
Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden
Retired Senator, Canada
Former MEP (-2014), Belgium
former MP (1992-2010), United Kingdom
Former MP (-2017); Poetician for the Pirate Party in the Icelandic Parliament & chairman for IMMI, Iceland
former MP, Iceland
Former MEP (-2014), Slovenia
Minister for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries (2013-), Former MEP (2004-2013), Denmark
former MP (-2009), South Africa
Former MP, Finland
MP (-2011), Slovenia
Former MP (-2017), Germany
Nationalrat (1995-2007), Switzerland
MP (-2011), DR Congo
Former MP, Congo (Brazzaville)
President of the World Federalist Movement-Japan and 76th and 77th Prime Minister of Japan; former MP, Liberal Democratic Party, Japan
Former MP, Uganda
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Egypt
former MEP (-2009), Germany
former MP (-2009), South Africa
Former MP, Sierra Leone
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Gambia
Former MP (-2015); 2015-2017 Minister for Family, Youth, Culture and Sports, State of Northrhine Westfalia; Member of the State Assembly, Germany
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Gambia
MP (-2013), Kenya
Former MEP (ALDE, -2019), United Kingdom
former MP (2010-2018), Sweden
former MP, Canada
former MP (1995-2010), Tanzania
Former MP, India
Former MP (-2009); Former Parliamentary Secretary of State, Ministry of Transport, Germany
Member of the Chamber of Deputies, Member of the Pan-African Parliament, Rwanda
Former MP (-2009), India
Former MEP (2004-2019), Germany
former MEP (1999-2009), Finland
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), India
former Senator in Irish Parliament, Ireland
MP (-2011); Author, former TV journalist, New Zealand
Burgemeester, Stad Peer; 2003-2007 MP; former Senator, Belgium
Former MEP (-2024; Chair, Greens/EFA), Germany
Former MP, Argentina
former MP (1987-2010); former Minister of Justice, Australia
former MP; former Vice-President, Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Italy
Former MP , Bhutan
former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Tunisia
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Eswatini
MP (-2014); Member, Rajya Sabha; Secretary, All India Congress Committee, India
former MP (-2010), Tanzania
Former MP and human rights activist, Canada
1995-2011 MP; 1986-1995 Director, Institute of Development Studies, Helsinki University; Co-Chair, Parliamentary Network on the World Bank, Finland
former MP (-2010), Tanzania