All individual signatories

Gabriel Mvogo

Deputé du Parlement Camerounais Junior des Nations Unies a lʼAssociation des Nations Unies, Cameroon


Gift Mwamondwe

MP (-2014), Malawi


Albertina Mwigilwa



Dmitri Myanok

Medical student., United Kingdom


Drew Myers

United States of America


Hugh Myers

I am on the Executive of the Montreal Branch of WFM-Canada. , Canada


Ouédraogo Myriam

Former MP, Burkina Faso


tobin myriam



Déogratias Mzumogera

Obseravoire de l'action gouvernementale, Burundi


Youssou N Dour

Musician; President, Mouvement Fecke Ma Ci Bole; Former Minister of Tourism and Culture, Senegal


Michel N'Débélé

Président de l'association suisse du Front contre l'intolérance, le sectarisme et le totalitarisme., Switzerland


Razwan Nabin



Nadia Naboulssi



Eric Nachtergaele



Winfried Nachtwei

Former MP (-2009), Germany


Richard Nadeau

former MP (2006-2011), Canada


Dr. Kakha Nadiradze

President, Association for Farmers Rights Defense, AFRD, Georgia


Carolyn Nadlinger

Studentin, Austria


Prof. Winston P. Nagan

Professor of Law, University of Florida; Chair of the Board of Directors, World Academy of Art & Science, United States of America


Takashi Nagao

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Ursula Nagel



Dr. Anantha Nagesh Babu

Chairman, National Association of Fishermen, India


Iman Naghashian

Diplom-Kaufmann und Wirtschaftsprüfer, Germany


Marlies Nagl-Springer



Monika Nagy



Hassan Nahi

Reporter, Morocco


Andrea Nahles

MP, Germany





Masaharu Nakagawa

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party; 2009-2010 Senior Vice Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan


Kiichiro Nakahara

Professor Emeritus, Tokai University, Tokyo, Japan. , Japan


Kazuyuki Nakane

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Kansei Nakano

Vice-President of WFM-Japan. Former member of the House of Representatives, Japan


Grace Namara

Former MP, Former Member of Parliamentary Accounts Committee, Uganda


Mesfin Namarra

MP, Ethiopia


Rose Namayanja

Former MP; Former Chairperson, Parliamentary Caucus, Buganda Kingdom, Uganda


Eduardo Namburete*

MP, Assembleia da República, Mozambique


Aditi Nandan

former Director, PEG!Advertising & Management Services, India


François Nanko

Chef du quartier 5 Aviations, Nkongsamba, Cameroon


Edouard Napier

Étudiant et activiste pour la paix depuis 50 ans., Canada


François Napon

Chef du quartier Sosso, Nkongsamba 2e, département du Moungo, région du Littoral, Cameroon


Giulia Narduolo



Guneet Narula



Ibrahim Nasar

United Kingdom


Gerald Nash

Former MP, Ireland


Anders Näslund



Dr. Bobbi Nassar

UN representative, International Federation of Settlements and Neighbourhood Centres, United States of America


Amin Nasser

General Director, The Arab Center for the Independence of Judiciary and Legal Profession (ACIJLP), Egypt


Théophile Nata

until 2009 MP; 2004-2009 Member and Vice-President of the Pan-African Parliament; 1990-1991 Foreign Minister of Benin; former Ambassador of Benin to the United States, Benin


Mansurova Natalia



Sivasankar Natarajan

Former Judge, Supreme Court of India, India


naomi nation



Penny Nation



Suepsakwong Nattaphon

MP, Thailand


Jean-Marie Nau

teacher, Luxembourg


Elisabeth Nauclér

Former MP, Finland


Muhammad Naufal



Conor Naughten

United Kingdom


Suresh Nautiyal

APGN, Global Greens, CGP India & Campaign for Change in Uttarakhand, India


suresh nautiyal



Angelika Navarro



Sebastian Navarro

Experto en Crisis Climatica, Argentina


Leticia Navarro Fernandez



Mercedes Navas Guillardoy

Filosofia y Letra; Ex candidata a diputada nacional por Democracia Avan, Argentina


Syed Naveed Qamar

Federal Minister for Privatisation and Investment; MP; former Finance Minister, Pakistan


Khawaja Nawaz

Chairman, Forum for Democracy, Pakistan





Malcolm Naylor

United Kingdom


Dr. Ziyad Nazem

United States of America


Gélase Daniel Ndabirabe

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Benin


Thomas Ndindjock



Leonel Fabrice Ndjogo

Étudiant en droit à lʼuniversité de Yaoundé; Deputé du Parlement Camerounais Junior des Nations Unies a lʼAssociation des Nations Unies, Cameroon


Ghislaine Ndjomo Kengang

Animatrice à Nkongsamba FM 96.2 mhz; conseiller au Centre d\'Enregistrement Camerounais des Citoyens du Monde, Cameroon


Chijike Ndukwu

UN/DPI NGO Representative, Nigeria


Mariya Nedelcheva

Former MEP (-2014), Bulgaria


Marco Neef



Prof. Dr. Antonio Negri



Prof. Jacques Neirynck

Former MP, Switzerland


Meinrad Nell

Self-employed, Austria


Chris Nelson

United Kingdom


David Nelson

Retired minister, United States of America


Mark Nelson

United States of America


Sheila Nelson



Julian Nelting



Pavel Nemec

MP (-2013), Czech Republic


Nicole Nepton



Dr. Sarbjit Ner



Luke Nervosa



Prof. Dr. Mehmet Ugur Neşşar

former Member of Parliament, Turkey


Ingrid Nestle

MP (-2013), Germany


Ulrich Franz Nettig

Arzt, Psychotherapeut, Mitglied Eine Welt Partei, Kinderschutzbund, Eurosolar, Germany


Dr. Alexander S. Neu

Politikwissenschaftler Schwerpunkt Internationale Beziehungen/Internat, Germany


Gerald Neubauer

Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Universität Bremen, Germany


Marvin Neubauer



Harald Neuber

Journalist, Germany


Dr. Claus Neuberger



Prof. Dr. Doris Neuberger



Dr. Rupert Neudeck

Chairperson, Green Helmets; former Speaker, Committee Cap Anamur, Germany


Eberhard Neuhaus

Lehrer i.R.; Mitglied bei ´Mehr Demokratie´, Germany


Jean Christophe Neuhauser



Prof. Dr. Martin Neumann

MP (-2013), Germany


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)