All individual signatories

Kaja Pistor



Walter Pitman

Former President, Canadian Civil Liberties Association, Canada


Giancarlo Pittelli

former Senator (2006-2008); former MP (2004-2006), Italy


Harry Pitz



Philippe Pivin

MP, Parlement Bruxellois; Mayor, Commune de Koekelberg, Belgium


Francisco Plancarte García Naranjo

LLM (NYU); Fundador de Planetafilia A.C., Mexico


Chase Plante

United States of America


Chelsea Plante

McGill University Student, International Development Studies, Canada


Arik Platzek



Tanja Platzer

Europäische Selbsthilfe Gruppe Eltern-Kinderrechte, Germany


David Pleasants

United States of America


Prof. Dr. Sergei Plekhanov

Teaching Political Science at York University in Toronto, Canada, Canada


Gundolf Plischke



Olivier Plumandon

Parliamentary Asssitant - European Parliament, France


Dr. Liane Pluntz

Frauenbeauftragte der Salzburger Arbeiterkammer, Austria


Dr. Pavel Poc

Former MEP (S&D, 2009-2019), Czech Republic


Anni Podimata

Former MEP (-2014); Former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Greece


Arne Poedtke



Prof. Dr. Thomas Pogge

Leitner Professor of Philosophy and International Affairs, Yale U., United States of America


Mauro Poggia

Former MP, Switzerland


Dieter Pohl



François Pointet*

Member of the Nationalrat (2019-2023), Switzerland


Jean-François Poirier

Ecrivain et traducteur, France


Rose-May Poirier

Senator, Canada


Prof. Dr. John Polanyi

University of Toronto; Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1986, Canada


Ruprecht Polenz

MP (-2013), Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses, Germany


Sabine Poleyn

Member, Flemish Parliament, Belgium


Héctor Polino

Lawyer, Argentina


Bret Polish

United States of America


Dr. Ladislav Polka

former MP, Slovakia


John Polkinghorne

I am an undergraduate student at the University of Auckland., New Zealand


Anton Pöllänen



Rob Pollard

English teacher/musician; currently resident in China, China


David Pollock

British Humanist, and former President of the European Humanist Federation, United Kingdom


Dr. Miroslav Polzer



Prof. Dr. Enzo David Pomi

Ex Secretario de Cancillería de la Nación Argentina (1983-1993), Argentina


Dr. Horst Pomp



Hugo Pomposo



Prof. Carlos Ponce



Ximena Ponce

Diputada; Presidenta de Comisión Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología; Miembro Dirección Nacional y del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional de PAIS, Ecuador


Luis Ponce de León Giraud



Carlos E Ponce S

Director, Consorcio Desarrollo y Justicia, Venezuela


Gaël Poncin



Karl Pongratz



Axel Poniatowski

MP, France


Pascual Pont Martinez

acción sindical y vecinal, Spain


Étienne Ponton-Bouchard

Ancien étudiant à l'école d'éducation internationale., Canada


Chris Pook

Marine Biologist, United Kingdom


Alexander Pop



Thomas Poppe



Lukas Poppenborg

Student der Geschichtswissenschaft und Philosophie, Germany


Miguel Portas

Former MEP (-2014), Portugal


María José Porteiro García

former MP (-2008), Spain


Soraya Post

Former MEP (S&D, 2014-2019), Sweden


Peter Postler



Dominique Potier*

MP, Assemblée nationale, France


Juergen Pott

Dipl.-Pädagoge/Sozialarbeiter, Germany


Jürgen Pott



Robert Potthast



Anika Poulin

étudiante, Canada


Carl Poulin



Raimund Pousset



Katrin Powell



Toby Powell

New Zealand


Dr. A. Prabaharan

Involved in peace promotion for the past 20 years through SFH, India


Suresh P. Prabhu

MP (Rajya Sabha since 2016); Former Union Minister for Industry, Environment and Forests, Chemicals and Fertilizers, and Power; former MP; Indian emissary to the G20 & G7 since 2019, India


Gilles Pradeau

EHESS, France


Khoosh Prajapati



Rajneeti Prasad

Former MP, Rajya Sabha (until 2012), India


Alfonso Prat Gay

MP (-2013), Argentina


Louise Pratt

Senator, Australia


Patricia Pratt

United States of America


Felipe de Jesus Preciado

Notario, Mexico


Cezar-Florin Preda

MP; Chairperson, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Romania


Katharina Prelicz-Huber*

Member of the Nationalrat, Switzerland


Viktor Prestor



Deon Pretorius

South Africa


Pia Preuß



Cindy Preuth

Student, Germany


Roy Prevost

Vancouver, Canada


Elisabeth Price

United States of America


Dr. Everett Price



Jack Price

Student, United Kingdom


Martin Price

Student, Bath University, United Kingdom


Steven Prideaux

United Kingdom


Prof. Claudia Priefer

Lawyer, attorney; advisor, Romanian Parliament, Diaspora -4th College, Romania


Richard Priestman



Jamie Prieto Pérez

former Member Congreso del Estado de Jalisco (2006-2009), Mexico


Miralem Prijic

Bosnia and Herzegowina


Monika Prisco



Joshua Pritchett

United States of America


Richard Procee



Vittorio Prodi

Former MEP (-2014); Member, International Council, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Italy


Prof. Dr. Jan Pronk

Former UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sudan (2004-06); former Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD (1980-86), Netherlands


Lonnie Propas



Dr. Maria Chiara Properzi



Higiro Prosper

Senator (-2013); Vice-President, Senate of Rwanda; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Rwanda


Andreas Protz

Versicherungsfachwirt, Germany


Claudine A. Prudencio

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Benin


Anke Puck-Nebendahl



* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)