MP (-2013), Kenya
Former MP; international Geoinformation consultant, Kenya
Nationalrat (2003-2011); Vice-President, Freisinnig-Demokratische Partei Schweiz, Switzerland
Former MP (-2017), Germany
Former MP, Sweden
Former MEP (-2014), Germany
MP (-2013), Germany
Nationalrat (2003-2007), Switzerland
Former MP, Chairman of the Estonian Interparliamentary Union Group, Estonia
Former MP (-2009); Former Vice-Chair, Group of the Social Democratic Party in the Bundestag, Germany
MP (-2013), Germany
Former MP, Congo (Brazzaville)
Former Member of the European Parliament (-2024), Germany
former MEP (-2009), Slovakia
Former MP; Former Member, Central Political Committee, Synaspismos, Greece
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Liberia
Former MP (-2009), Germany
Former MP (-2009), Germany
Former MEP (-2014), Germany
Former MP, Uganda
Former MP, former member of the Commitee on Equality of Opportunity for Women and Men, Turkey
Mayor, Gemeente Herent; former MP, former MEP, Belgium
MP (Lok Sabha, -2014), India
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), India
MP (-2013); former Parliamentary Secretary, Faction of the Social Democratic Party, Bundestag, Germany
Former MP (-2017), Germany
former MP, Social Democratic Party, Japan
former MEP (-2009), Italy
former MP, Italy
former MP (-2009), South Africa
former MP (2006-2011), Canada
former MP (1993-2011), Canada
Former Senator, Belgium
Former MEP (Greens/EFA, 1999-2019), United Kingdom
MP (-2012); former Minister for Cultural Affairs, France
Nationalrat (2003-2011), Switzerland
Former MP, Norway
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Algeria
Former MP (1998-2022), Sweden
Former Senator, Haiti
Former MEP (2014-2019), Romania
Former MP; former Foreign Affairs Critic for the New Democratic Party of Canada, Canada
Leader of the New Democratic Party, 2003-2011; deceased August 2011, Canada
MP, France
Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden
Former MP, Canada
MP (-2012), France
Former Senator, Italy
MP (-2013), Germany
Former MEP (S&D), Austria
former MEP (S&D, until 2019); former Chairman, Environmental Committee, European Parliament, Germany
Former MP (-2018), Germany
Former MP, Argentina
Former MEP, France
Former MP, Canada
former MP (2004-2011), Canada
Former Prime Minister of Belgium; Secretary-General of International IDEA, Belgium
Former MP, Switzerland
Former MP (2003-2015) , Switzerland
former MP (2004-2011), Canada
Former MP and Senator (2003-2021), Switzerland
Former MP, Latvia
Députée française des Pyrénées atlantiques, France
Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden
Former MP (2010-2018), Sweden
Former MP (2002-2014), Sweden
Former MP, Argentina
Former MP (2002-2022); Former Deputy Speaker (2018-2022); Former member of NATO Parliamentary Assembly; Former member of OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Sweden
Former MP, Sweden
former MP, Sweden
Former MP (-2009); former Parliamentary Secretary of State in the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany
Former Senator; former Vice-President, Parliamentary Assembly of the OSCE, Belgium
former MP, Spain
Former MP, Argentina
former MEP (-2009), Italy
MP, France
Former MP, Vice-Chair of Left Party, Sweden
former MP (2006-2009); former President, Human Rights Commission, Mexico
former MP (2006-2009), Mexico
Former astronomer at OATO - Italy - Former senator of the Italian Parliament Former parliamentarian of the Council of Europe, Italy
MP (-2013), Germany
MP (-2013), Germany
former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Uganda
MP, France
Former MEP (-2014), United Kingdom
Nationalrat (2007-2011), Switzerland
Former MP, Denmark
former MEP (-2009); 1992-1999 Secretary-General, Liberal International, Netherlands
Former MP, Ireland
former MP; 1979-80 Secretary of State for External Affairs; 1984-86 Minister of Employment and Immigration; 1986-88 Minister of Communications, Canada
former MP (-2009), South Africa
Former MP, Argentina
Former Senator (2005-2011), Tunisia
MP (Lok Sabha, -2014), India
former MP (until 2008), Pakistan
former MP (-2014), South Africa
Former MP, Austria
MP (Lok Sabha, -2014), India
Former MP (MDC-T), Zimbabwe
former MP; President, Association for the Advancement of Education, Egypt
* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)