MP, National Assembly, Nigeria
MP; Leader of the Social Democratic group in the German parliament, Germany
MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan
MP, Dewan Rakyat, Malaysia
MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Jordan
MP, Sweden
MP, House of Representatives, Australia
MP; former MEP (-2009); 2008-2018 Chairman, Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Germany
Deputy, Camera dei Deputati, Italy
MP, Assemblée nationale, France
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), India
Diputada, Dominican Republic
MP, Uruguay
Diputado, Dominican Republic
MP for Imbabura province. Leader of the Parlamentary Group about Childhood and Youth; expert in gender issues, Ecuador
Nationalrat; Stellvertretender Klubobmann der SPÖ, Austria
MP, Cyprus
MP, Argentina
MP, Germany
MP; Opposition Whip, Australia
MP, Câmara dos Deputados, Brazil
MP, Parlement Bruxellois; Mayor, Commune de Koekelberg, Belgium
Senator, Canada
Diputada; Presidenta de Comisión Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología; Miembro Dirección Nacional y del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional de PAIS, Ecuador
MP, Assemblée nationale, France
MP (Rajya Sabha since 2016); Former Union Minister for Industry, Environment and Forests, Chemicals and Fertilizers, and Power; former MP; Indian emissary to the G20 & G7 since 2019, India
Senator, Australia
MP; Chairperson, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Romania
Member of the Nationalrat, Switzerland
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Benin
Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom
Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom
Diputado, Dominican Republic
MP, Germany
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Comoros
MP; Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Petitions, Mongolia
MP, Chamber of Deputies, Romania
MP, Parliament of Ghana, Ghana
Member of Parliament, Malaysia from Justice Party of Malaysia, Malaysia
MP, Lok Sabha, India
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Botswana
Member of Parliament, Social Democrat., Sweden
MEP (S&D), Austria
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
Député du Haut-Rhin, Membre de la commission des affaires étrangères, France
MP, Lithuania
Deputy, Cámara de Diputados, Mexico
MP, Spain
Member of Parliament; Member, Latin-American Parliament, Dominican Republic
MP, Canada
MP, Costa Rica
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
Mitglied der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Norway
MdB; ehem. Bundesvorsitzende, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), Union Minister of State for Urban Development, India
MP, National Assembly, South Africa
MP (House of Representatives), Independent, Japan
MP, Ghana
MP, Afghanistan
MP, House of Representatives, Thailand
MP, Lok Sabha, India
MP, Haiti
MP (House of Representatives), Komeito, Japan
MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan
MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan
MP, India
MP, Assembleia da República, Mozambique
MP, Netherlands
MP , Argentina
Diputado, Dominican Republic
MP, Dewan Rakyat, Malaysia
Deputada Federal do PCdoB. Vice Presidente do Partido Comunista do Brasil. Eleita pelo Estado de PE, Brazil
MP, National Assembly, South Africa
MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan
MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan
MP (House of Representatives), Komeito, Japan
MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan
4th time Member of the Indian Parliament, Lok Sabha (Lower House), representing Angul-Dhenkanal Constituency of Orissa State, India
MP, Canada
MP; Speaker for European Policy, SPD parliamentary Group, Germany
MP, Austria
Vorsitzender der SPÖ-Parlamentsfraktion, Austria
MP; former MEP, Germany
MdB, Bundesministerin a.D., Germany
MP, Denmark
MdB, Germany
MdB, Germany
MdB, Germany
MP, Germany
MP, Austria
Member, East-African Legislative Assembly; former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Uganda
Member of Parliament, Uganda
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Sierra Leone
MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany
* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)