Members of Parliament

Samuel Ifeanyi Onuigbo*

MP, National Assembly, Nigeria


Thomas Oppermann

MP; Leader of the Social Democratic group in the German parliament, Germany


Seiji Osaka

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Azalina Othman Said*

MP, Dewan Rakyat, Malaysia


Takashi Otsuka

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Jordan


Mattias Ottosson

MP, Sweden


Julie Owens*

MP, House of Representatives, Australia


Cem Özdemir

MP; former MEP (-2009); 2008-2018 Chairman, Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Germany


Erasmo Palazzotto*

Deputy, Camera dei Deputati, Italy


Bertrand Pancher*

MP, Assemblée nationale, France


Baijayant Jay Panda

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), India


Catalina Paredes

Diputada, Dominican Republic


Daniela Payssé

MP, Uruguay


Franklin Isaias Peña Villalona

Diputado, Dominican Republic


Dr. Juana Marisol Peñafiel Montesdeoca

MP for Imbabura province. Leader of the Parlamentary Group about Childhood and Youth; expert in gender issues, Ecuador


Otto Pendl

Nationalrat; Stellvertretender Klubobmann der SPÖ, Austria


George Perdikes

MP, Cyprus


Adrián Pérez

MP, Argentina


Victor Perli

MP, Germany


Graham Perrett

MP; Opposition Whip, Australia


Talíria Petrones Soares*

MP, Câmara dos Deputados, Brazil


Philippe Pivin

MP, Parlement Bruxellois; Mayor, Commune de Koekelberg, Belgium


Rose-May Poirier

Senator, Canada


Ximena Ponce

Diputada; Presidenta de Comisión Educación, Cultura, Ciencia y Tecnología; Miembro Dirección Nacional y del Comité Ejecutivo Nacional de PAIS, Ecuador


Dominique Potier*

MP, Assemblée nationale, France


Suresh P. Prabhu

MP (Rajya Sabha since 2016); Former Union Minister for Industry, Environment and Forests, Chemicals and Fertilizers, and Power; former MP; Indian emissary to the G20 & G7 since 2019, India


Louise Pratt

Senator, Australia


Cezar-Florin Preda

MP; Chairperson, Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Romania


Katharina Prelicz-Huber*

Member of the Nationalrat, Switzerland


Claudine A. Prudencio

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Benin


Jon Pult



Jeremy Purvis*

Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom


Baroness Joyce Quin*

Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom


Juan Carlos Quiñones

Diputado, Dominican Republic


Prof. Carmen Quintanilla Barba



Martin Rabanus

MP, Germany


Mohamed Rachadi Abdou

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Comoros


Burmaa Radnaa

MP; Chairperson of the Standing Committee on Petitions, Mongolia


Ovidiu Alexandru Raetchi

MP, Chamber of Deputies, Romania


Marko Raidza



Adamu Mohammed Ramadan*

MP, Parliament of Ghana, Ghana


Rafizi Ramli

Member of Parliament, Malaysia from Justice Party of Malaysia, Malaysia


D. Ravikumar*

MP, Lok Sabha, India


Mephato Reatile

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Botswana


Julia Reda



Lawen Redar

Member of Parliament, Social Democrat., Sweden


Evelyn Regner

MEP (S&D), Austria


Heidi Reichinnek*

MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany


Jean-Luc Reitzer

Député du Haut-Rhin, Membre de la commission des affaires étrangères, France


Acas Remigijus

MP, Lithuania


Mario Riestra*

Deputy, Cámara de Diputados, Mexico


Prof. Dr. Felicidad Rodríguez

MP, Spain


Magda Alina Rodriguez

Member of Parliament; Member, Latin-American Parliament, Dominican Republic


Pablo Rodriguez

MP, Canada


Julio Rojas Astorga

MP, Costa Rica


Sebastian Roloff*

MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany


Dr. Ernst Dieter Rossmann

Mitglied der SPD-Bundestagsfraktion, Germany


Tabea Rößner

MP, Germany


Sveinung Rotevatn

MP, Norway


Claudia Roth

MdB; ehem. Bundesvorsitzende, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany


Prof. Saugata Roy

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), Union Minister of State for Urban Development, India


Dennis Ryder*

MP, National Assembly, South Africa


Hirofumi Ryu

MP (House of Representatives), Independent, Japan


Kwasi Sabi

MP, Ghana


Habiba Sadat

MP, Afghanistan


Bencha Saengchantra*

MP, House of Representatives, Thailand


Mahesh Sahoo*

MP, Lok Sabha, India


Prof. Denis Saint Fort

MP, Haiti


Tetsuo Saito

MP (House of Representatives), Komeito, Japan


Yoshitaka Sakurada

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Shu Sakurai

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Prof. Achyuta Samanta

MP, India


José Manuel Samo Gudo*

MP, Assembleia da República, Mozambique


Diederik Samsom

MP, Netherlands


Fernando Sánchez

MP , Argentina


Pablo Inocencio Santana Díaz

Diputado, Dominican Republic


Charles Santiago*

MP, Dewan Rakyat, Malaysia


Luciana Santos

Deputada Federal do PCdoB. Vice Presidente do Partido Comunista do Brasil. Eleita pelo Estado de PE, Brazil


Ashor Sarupen*

MP, National Assembly, South Africa


Takahiro Sasaki

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Akira Sato

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Shigeki Sato

MP (House of Representatives), Komeito, Japan


Yukari Sato

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Tathagata Satpathy

4th time Member of the Indian Parliament, Lok Sabha (Lower House), representing Angul-Dhenkanal Constituency of Orissa State, India


Francis Scarpaleggia

MP, Canada


Axel Schäfer

MP; Speaker for European Policy, SPD parliamentary Group, Germany


Dr. Nikolaus Scherak

MP, Austria


Andreas Schieder

Vorsitzender der SPÖ-Parlamentsfraktion, Austria


Dr. Frithjof Schmidt

MP; former MEP, Germany


Ulla Schmidt

MdB, Bundesministerin a.D., Germany


Johanne Schmidt-Nielsen

MP, Denmark


Carsten Schneider

MdB, Germany


Uwe Schummer

MdB, Germany


Stefan Schwartze

MdB, Germany


Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter

MP, Germany


Judith Schwentner

MP, Austria


Mike Kennedy Sebalu

Member, East-African Legislative Assembly; former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Uganda


Robert Kasule Sebunya

Member of Parliament, Uganda


Solomon Thomas Segepoh

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Sierra Leone


Stefan Seidler*

MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)