All individual signatories

Raphaël Beauregard-Lacroix



Prof. Dr. Jean-Pol Beauthier

Forensic pathology and forensic anthropology, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium


Quentin Bechoux



Dirk Becker

Former MP (2005-15), Germany


Jenny Becker

CEO, Community für junge Friedensaktivisten und Streitschlichter, Germany


Lars Becker

President of JEF Deutschland e.V. Young European Federalists Germany, Germany


Michael Becker



Raymond Becker



Laura Bedard



Crayton Bedford

United States of America


Angelika Beer

Chair, Parliamentarians Network for Conflict Prevention; former MEP (-2009); former Chairperson of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany


Kyle Beers

United States of America


Prof. Mark Beeson

Winthrop Professor of Political Science and International Relations, The University of Western Australia, Australia


Paul-André Bégin

Retired chemistry teacher from CEGEP Schools of the province of Quebec, Canada


Kaihan Behbahani



Rhythm behl

Graduate, legislative assistant to a member of parliament, looking forward to do masters in economics., India


Wolfgang Behrendt

former MP, Germany


Frank Behrens



Thilo Behrens



Richard Beiderbeck

Mitglied der Vereinigung der Weltföderalisten der Schweiz, Germany


Bengt Beier

Board member of Europe United, the European party, Germany


Irina Beikert

Akademisches Forum für Außenpolitik (AFA) - United Nations Association, Austria


Dr. Yossi Beilin

MP (-2013), Former Minister of Justice , Israel


Suelma Beiruk

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Western Sahara


Dr. Olugbenga Bejide

Guidance Community Development Foundation, Nigeria


Ajomuzu Collette Bekaku



Hordofa Bekele

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Ethiopia


Thomas Bélanger



Maja Belec

Masters student of international relations, Slovenia


Carl Béliveau



Jean Beliveau

World Wide Walker for Peace, WWWalk Foundation, Canada


Julien Béliveau



Sam Bell

Teacher, educator and sculptor, United Kingdom


André Bellavance

Former MP, Canada


Diane Bellemare

Senator, economist and politician from Quebec, Canada


Prof. Dr. Mohamed Hédi Ben Jemaa

Conseiller juridique en droit humanitaire, Tunisia


Dr. Nuri Ben Othman

Secretary-General, Al-Amal Charitable Association for Orphans Care, Libya


hamza benalleg

United States of America


Malika Benarab-Attou

Former Member of European Parliament (2009-2014) , France


Leo Benda

Czech Republic


Alejandro Bendaña

Director, Centro de Estudios Internacionales, Managua; former Secretary-General for Foreign Affairs and former Ambassador to the United Nations of Nicaragua, Nicaragua


Felix Bender



Felix Bender



Karina Bendezú

Artista Plástica, Estudiante de Diseño Gráfico en la UBA, Argentina, Peru


Prof. Dr. Peter Bendixen

Studienzentrum Hohe Warte, Wien, Germany


Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Benedek

Insitute of International Law and International Organisations, KFU Graz, Austria


Anton Benedix



Shyam Benegal

Director, screenwriter and former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), India


Ondřej Benešík

MP, Czech Republic


Robert Beneventi

Mayor of Ollioules, France


Ball Benjamin



Glen Benjamin

United States of America


Doamba Benjamine

MP, Burkina Faso


Carolyn Bennett

MP, Canada


Michael Bennett



Martin Benoit



Stevens Benoit

Senator, Haiti


Tyrone Benskin

Former MP, Canada


Andrew Benson

Just a concerned global citizen., United Kingdom


Sheri Benson

Former Member of Parliament (-2020), Canada


Joachim Bentrup



Wolfgang Bentrup

Vorsitzender, Aktion der Christen für die Abschaffung der Folter, Germany


Prof. Gerard Beralus

Executive Director, Reseau des Citoyens Haitiens pour la Promotion des Droits Humaines, Haiti


Mabel Berasategui



Prof. Aixa Berchi



Valentino Berdini



Paul Berendsen



Dr. Axel Berg

MP (-2009), Germany


Fredrik Berg



Håkan Berg

Political Science Student at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden


Marianne Berg

Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden


Fabrice Berger

Bioinformatics (PhD Student) , Belgium


Joshua Berger

United States of America


Loic Berger



Dr. Maria Berger

MEP (1996-2009); former Minister of Justice; since October 2009, Judge at the European Court of Justice, Austria


Senta Berger-Verhoeven

Schauspielerin, Germany


Darren Bergman*

MP, National Assembly, South Africa


Drea Bergman

Executive Director, Progressive World Federalists, Canada


Adrian Bergmann

Member, Transcend; Norwegian Committee for Solidarity with Latin America, Norway


Linda Bergqvist

msc student in sustainable development, Sweden


Stina Bergström

former MP (2010-2018), Sweden


Vidar Bergum



The Planet Futures Organization Berlin



Dr. Diego Bernardini



Dr. Claudia Bernazza

Former MP, Argentina


Hans Bernhard



Kathleen Bernock

Prog. Off.-Democratic World Federalists; Writer; Homelessness Advocacy, United States of America


Gerlinde Bernsdorff

Diplom-Psychologin, Mitglied SPD, dort auch in der AG Migration aktiv, Germany


Sonja Beron



Siân Berry

Principal Speaker, Green Party, United Kingdom


Paula Maria Bertol

MP (Propuesta Republicana, -2013), Argentina


Jens Bertrams

Ehrenamtlicher Journalist, Germany


Brenda Bertsch

United States of America


Eva Bertsch



Keith Best

former MP; Chairperson, Executive Committee, World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy, United Kingdom


Jens Beutel

ehem. Oberbürgermeister der Landeshauptstadt Mainz (bis 2012), Germany


Dennis Bevington

Former MP, Canada


Cornelia Beyer

Lecturer in Politics, University of Hull, United Kingdom


Harold Beyer

United States of America


Gaurav Bhardwaj



* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)