former Senator (2006-2008); former MP (2004-2006), Italy
Former MEP (S&D, 2009-2019), Czech Republic
Former MEP (-2014); Former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Greece
Former MP, Switzerland
Member of the Nationalrat (2019-2023), Switzerland
MP (-2013), Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses, Germany
former MP, Slovakia
MP, France
Former MEP (-2014), Portugal
former MP (-2008), Spain
Former MEP (S&D, 2014-2019), Sweden
Former MP, Rajya Sabha (until 2012), India
MP (-2013), Argentina
Former MEP (-2014); Member, International Council, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Italy
Senator (-2013); Vice-President, Senate of Rwanda; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Rwanda
MP (-2011); President, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2008-2010), Spain
MP (-2011); 1967-2003 Director, Värriö Subarctic Research Station, Finland
former MP (2003-2007); former Board member Parliamentarians for Global Action, Jordan
Former MP; Former Minister for Education, Ireland
MP (-2013); Member, Parlamento del Mercosur, Paraguay
Former MP, Argentina
Former MP, Argentina
Former MP, Belgium
Senator; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Madagascar
Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden
MP (-2011); Foreign Affairs Critic, Liberal Party, Canada
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Egypt
MP (-2011), Portugal
former MP (2006-2008), Italy
Former MP, India
former MP (-2009); Anti-apartheid activist, South Africa
former MP (2006-2009), Mexico
former MP (2006-2009), Mexico
Former MP, Botswana
Former MP, Canada
Nationalrat (1995-2006), Switzerland
Former MP, Canada
MP (-2013); Member, Pan-African Parliament, Madagascar
MP (-2013), Argentina
Former MP (-2017), Germany
MP (1986-2011); Senator (2011-2022), Switzerland
Nationalrat (1995-2010), Switzerland
Former Member, National Council; Former Member, Council of States, Switzerland
Former MP (-2017), Germany
Former MP, Sierra Leone
Former MEP (-2014); former cosmonaut, Czech Republic
MP (-2013), Germany
Conseil national (1995-2011), Switzerland
Former Member of the European Parliament, Finland
former MEP (-2009), Austria
MP (-2011), Deputy Prime Minister, Samoa
Former MP, Argentina
Former MP, Dominican Republic
MP (-2013), Jamaica
former MP (2004-2007), Australia
Nationalrat (2007-2011), Switzerland
Former MP (-2009), Germany
Député Bruxellois (-2014); Bourgmestre de Berchem-Ste-Agathe, Belgium
former MEP (-2009); former Vice-President, ALDE Group, Denmark
Former MP, Argentina
Governor of the province of Tierra del Fuego; former MP, Argentina
Former MP, Slovakia
Former MP, Canada
Former MEP (-2024; Greens/EFA) and Vice-President of the ACP-EU JPA, France
Consiglio nazionale (1999-2011), Switzerland
MP (-2014); Assistant Speaker, Parliament of New Zealand, New Zealand
1988-1991 French Prime Minister; 1994-2009 MEP; deceased in 2016, France
Député de la Loire, France
Former MEP (ALDE, 2009-2019), France
MP (-2013), Argentina
Senator (-2014), Belgium
former MP (2006-2009), Mexico
former MP (-2008), Spain
MP, France
former MEP (-2009), Spain
Senator (-2011), Canada
MP (-2014); Spokesperson for the Green Party, Sweden
former MP, Germany
Former MP, Switzerland
MP (-2013), Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin a.D., Germany
Former MP, Switzerland
Former MEP (-2014); Former Vice-Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament, Czech Republic
Honorary President, Instituto de Cultura Indígena Argentina; former MP; former Vice-Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina
Former MEP (EPP, 1996-2019), Austria
Former Senator, Burundi
Former Senator (2005-2009) and MP (1998-2005), Burundi
Former MEP (-2014), Germany
Former MP, Canada
Former Member of the European Parliament (2019-2024), Spain
Retired Senator, Canada
Former MP; former Minister for Tourism; former President, All India Panchayat Parishad, India
former MEP (-2009), Lithuania
MP (-2011); Member, Pan-African Parliament, Nigeria
former MP (2006-2009); former President of the Cámara de Diputados de México (2007-2008), Mexico
former MP (2006-2009), Mexico
former MP (2006-2010), Sweden
Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha, -2014), India
MP (-2013); former Prime Minister (1996-1998), former leader of the Labour Party (1992-2008), Malta
former MP, Dominican Republic
Former MP (-2011); Profesora Titular de Derecho Internacional Privado., Spain, Spain
* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)