Former Members of Parliament

Giancarlo Pittelli

former Senator (2006-2008); former MP (2004-2006), Italy


Dr. Pavel Poc

Former MEP (S&D, 2009-2019), Czech Republic


Anni Podimata

Former MEP (-2014); Former Vice-President of the European Parliament, Greece


Mauro Poggia

Former MP, Switzerland


François Pointet*

Member of the Nationalrat (2019-2023), Switzerland


Ruprecht Polenz

MP (-2013), Vorsitzender des Auswärtigen Ausschusses, Germany


Dr. Ladislav Polka

former MP, Slovakia


Axel Poniatowski

MP, France


Miguel Portas

Former MEP (-2014), Portugal


María José Porteiro García

former MP (-2008), Spain


Soraya Post

Former MEP (S&D, 2014-2019), Sweden


Rajneeti Prasad

Former MP, Rajya Sabha (until 2012), India


Alfonso Prat Gay

MP (-2013), Argentina


Vittorio Prodi

Former MEP (-2014); Member, International Council, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Italy


Higiro Prosper

Senator (-2013); Vice-President, Senate of Rwanda; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Rwanda


Luís Maria de Puig

MP (-2011); President, Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (2008-2010), Spain


Prof. Dr. Erkki Pulliainen

MP (-2011); 1967-2003 Director, Värriö Subarctic Research Station, Finland


Dr. Ra`Ed QaQish

former MP (2003-2007); former Board member Parliamentarians for Global Action, Jordan


Ruairi Quinn

Former MP; Former Minister for Education, Ireland


Federico González Quintana

MP (-2013); Member, Parlamento del Mercosur, Paraguay


Horacio Quiroga

Former MP, Argentina


Elsa Siria Quiroz

Former MP, Argentina


Marie-Paule Quix

Former MP, Belgium


Emilien Jeannot Raberson

Senator; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Madagascar


Peter Rådberg

Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden


Robert Keith Rae

MP (-2011); Foreign Affairs Critic, Liberal Party, Canada


Dr. Ahmed Mohamed Ragab

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Egypt


Maria Luísa Raimundo Mesquita

MP (-2011), Portugal


Salvatore Raiti

former MP (2006-2008), Italy


Ambeth Rajan

Former MP, India


Mewa Ramgobin

former MP (-2009); Anti-apartheid activist, South Africa


Dr. Ector Jaime Ramírez Barba

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Prof. José Edmundo Ramirez Martínez

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Frank.J. Ramsden

Former MP, Botswana


Tracey Ramsey

Former MP, Canada


Dr. Johannes Randegger

Nationalrat (1995-2006), Switzerland


Murray Rankin

Former MP, Canada


Aurelie Marie Augustine Razafinjato

MP (-2013); Member, Pan-African Parliament, Madagascar


Hilma Re

MP (-2013), Argentina


Stefan Rebmann

Former MP (-2017), Germany


Paul Rechsteiner

MP (1986-2011); Senator (2011-2022), Switzerland


Rudolf Rechsteiner

Nationalrat (1995-2010), Switzerland


Luc Recordon

Former Member, National Council; Former Member, Council of States, Switzerland


Gerold Reichenbach

Former MP (-2017), Germany


Victor Reider

Former MP, Sierra Leone


Vladimír Remek

Former MEP (-2014); former cosmonaut, Czech Republic


Ingrid Remmers

MP (-2013), Germany


Jean-Claude Rennwald

Conseil national (1995-2011), Switzerland


Mitro Repo

Former Member of the European Parliament, Finland


Karin Resetarits

former MEP (-2009), Austria


Misa Telefoni Retzlaff

MP (-2011), Deputy Prime Minister, Samoa


Fernanda Reyes

Former MP, Argentina


Teodoro Ursino Reyes

Former MP, Dominican Republic


Dr. Donald Rhodd

MP (-2013), Jamaica


Kym Richardson

former MP (2004-2007), Australia


Jean-Charles Rielle

Nationalrat (2007-2011), Switzerland


Christel Riemann-Hanewinckel

Former MP (-2009), Germany


Joel Riguelle

Député Bruxellois (-2014); Bourgmestre de Berchem-Ste-Agathe, Belgium


Karin Riis-Jørgensen

former MEP (-2009); former Vice-President, ALDE Group, Denmark


Sandra Adriana Rioboo

Former MP, Argentina


Dr. María Fabiana Rios

Governor of the province of Tierra del Fuego; former MP, Argentina


Dr. Mária Ritomská

Former MP, Slovakia


Michel Rivard

Former MP, Canada


Michèle Rivasi

Former MEP (-2024; Greens/EFA) and Vice-President of the ACP-EU JPA, France


Meinrado Robbiani

Consiglio nazionale (1999-2011), Switzerland


Ross Robertson

MP (-2014); Assistant Speaker, Parliament of New Zealand, New Zealand


Michel Rocard

1988-1991 French Prime Minister; 1994-2009 MEP; deceased in 2016, France


François Rochebloine

Député de la Loire, France


Robert Rochefort

Former MEP (ALDE, 2009-2019), France


Marcela Rodríguez

MP (-2013), Argentina


François Roelants du Vivier

Senator (-2014), Belgium


Laura Angélica Rojas Hernández

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Dr. Mercedes Roldos Caballero

former MP (-2008), Spain


Barbara Romagnan

MP, France


Raül Romeva

former MEP (-2009), Spain


William Rompkey

Senator (-2011), Canada


Dr. Åsa Romson

MP (-2014); Spokesperson for the Green Party, Sweden


Dr. Klaus Rose

former MP, Germany


Stéphane Rossini

Former MP, Switzerland


Karin Roth

MP (-2013), Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin a.D., Germany


Maria Roth-Bernasconi

Former MP, Switzerland


Dr. Libor Rouček

Former MEP (-2014); Former Vice-Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, European Parliament, Czech Republic


Elva Roulet

Honorary President, Instituto de Cultura Indígena Argentina; former MP; former Vice-Governor of the Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina


Dr. Paul Ruebig

Former MEP (EPP, 1996-2019), Austria


Dr. Jean-Marie Rugira

Former Senator, Burundi


Jean-Marie Rugira

Former Senator (2005-2009) and MP (1998-2005), Burundi


Heide Rühle

Former MEP (-2014), Germany


Dan Ruimy

Former MP, Canada


Domènec Ruiz Devesa

Former Member of the European Parliament (2019-2024), Spain


Nancy Ruth

Retired Senator, Canada


Subodh Kant Sahay

Former MP; former Minister for Tourism; former President, All India Panchayat Parishad, India


Prof. Aloyzas Sakalas

former MEP (-2009), Lithuania


Sani Saleh Minjibir

MP (-2011); Member, Pan-African Parliament, Nigeria


Ruth Zavaleta Salgado

former MP (2006-2009); former President of the Cámara de Diputados de México (2007-2008), Mexico


Prof. David Sánchez Camacho

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Mats Sander

former MP (2006-2010), Sweden


Thomas Sangma

Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha, -2014), India


Dr. Alfred Sant

MP (-2013); former Prime Minister (1996-1998), former leader of the Labour Party (1992-2008), Malta


Nancy Altagracia Santos

former MP, Dominican Republic


Dr. lidia Santos Arnau

Former MP (-2011); Profesora Titular de Derecho Internacional Privado., Spain, Spain


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)