All individual signatories

Frank Aaen

Former MP, Denmark


Dr. Mikko Aalto

I am a Medical Doctor, working in Africa to improve the health care. I have a personal commitment to work to overcome poverty, misery and wars., Finland


Arnfinn Aamodt



Joseph Abbott

United Kingdom


Anna Margareth Abdallah

Former MP (1987-2015); Chairperson, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Parliament of Tanzania; 1995-2000 Minister of Work, 2000-2005 Minister of Health, Tanzania, Tanzania


Mohamed Amokrane Abdelli



Prof. Fedaoui Abdelmajid



Najoua Abdelmalek

Former MP, Tunisia


Abdeltif Abdelmoumen

Former Senator (2005-2011), Tunisia


Abdirahim Haithar Haji Abdi

MP (-2013), Speaker, East African Legislative Assembly, Kenya


Issam Abdihakim



Abdiaziz Abdilahi Mohamed

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Somalia


Kassim Abdillahi Waiss

Président, Réseau Ensemble pour le Développement Durable du District d'Arta, Djibouti


Amina Abdou Souna

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Niger


Said Abdu

Former MP, Economist., Sweden


Seharla Abdulahi Bahden

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Ethiopia


Ibrahim Rascid Abdulfattah

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Somalia


Dr. Hassan Abdulkadir

Member, House of Elders, Somaliland, Somalia


Tomoko Abe

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Oyeleye Abiodun

Executive Director, New Initiative for Social Development, Nigeria


Kazım Yiğit Ablay



Omar Abo Youssef

lic. iur., Doktorand, Switzerland


Getahun Yacob Abraham



Alexandra Abrahams*

MP, National Assembly, South Africa


Prof. Hans Abrahamsson



Cleyton Abreu



Sharon Abreu

Longtime peace activist, peace-environmental-climate change educator, and advocate for the creation of a Cabinet-level U.S. Dept. of Peacebuilding., United States


Ahmed Abujnah

Director-General, African Organization for Youth, Women and Children, Libya


Fátima Aburto

former MP (2004-2011); formerly Speaker of the Socialist Group in the Foreign Affairs Committee, Spain


Ali Abuukar



Nicola Accardo

Journalist. Student in Natolin at the College of Europe., Italy


Adriana Accorsi

MP, Brazil


Claudia Verenice Aceves Martinez

Estudianete de relaciones Internacionales y trabajo en el congreso del estado de Jalisco, Mexico


Sebastián Acha

MP (-2013); Lawyer, Paraguay


Prof. Ashok Acharya

University of Delhi Director, Academics Stand Against Poverty, India


Bikesh Acharya

ACTG, Nepal


Amoako Acheampong

National Coordinator, Help The Blind, Ghana


Stefanie Achenbach



Abdelhafid Achergui

Cadre société privée, Morocco


Ake Achi

Trade union political activist, United Kingdom


Prof. Rodolfo Fernando Achille



Peter Achterberg



Prof. Joselin Del Carmen Acosta Diaz

Dominican Republic


Kiyoshi Adachi

MP (House of Councilors), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Shinya Adachi

MP (House of Councilors), Democratic Party for the People, Japan


Freddie Adams

MP, ANC, South Africa


James Adams

A young advocate of democracy and strong supporter of the work of the United Nations., Australia


Joshua Adams

United States


Jean Adamson

I am a member of Citizens for Global Solutions and the Unitarian Universalist Society of Bangor., United States


Carina Adamsson



Mimouna Addad



Dr. Karl Addicks

Former MP (-2009), Germany


Josephine Addoh

former MP (-2008); former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Ghana


Ranmi Adeniran Phillips Adebayo

Conflict mediator, Nigeria


Adepoju Adebowale

Human Support Service, Nigeria


Mohammed Adeeb

Former MP , India


Olugbenga Adeleye



Theresa Adelt



David Ademola

United Kingdom


Dr. Mohamed Aden

Degree holder in business administration, Kenya


Simon Pascal Aden-Vieira

Student der Soziologie und Politologie, 5. Fachsemester, Germany


Mayana Adeniran

Timeless Media Network for NGOs, Nigeria


Michael Olatokunboh Adesina

Chairman, Board of Trustees, Centre for Conflict Resolution, Nigeria


Olakunle Wale Adesina

Centre for Conflict Resolution, Nigeria


Kossivi Nevaeme Adessou



Prince Abdulfattah Adetona

Organisation for Peaceful Society in Africa, Nigeria


Shivaji Adhalrao

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), India


Keshab Nath Adhikari



Rajendra Bahadur Adhikari



Rajendra Bahadur ADHIKARI



Prakriti Shree Adhikary-Shah



Samuel Adikpe

Development knowledge consultant and trainer, Nigeria


Edward Korbly Doe Adjaho

former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament; 2013-2017 Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana, Ghana


Anita Adlam



Gillian Adler

United States


Akmal Adnan

HSC student studying Legal Studies with core option - WORLD ORDER., Australia


Indra Adnan

Co-Director, New Integrity, United Kingdom


Andrew Adonis*

Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom


Alex Adu Appiah

Executive Director, African Peace Network, Ghana


Tobias Aellig



Rosette Aerts



Marin Aeschbach



Khan Afaq



Fajemilo Afolabi

Festus Fajemilo Foundation, Nigeria


Albasti Afra

MP, United Arab Emirates


Mohit Agarwal



Rahul Agarwal

MBA Student at INSEAD, India


Rishi Agarwal

Chartered Accountant (Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants), Canada


Elvis A. Kadri Agbayizato

Director of an NGO for developmment, Togo


Kokou Agbemashior Prosper

African Peace Network , Togo


Marek Agh

IT, Slovakia


Dr. Hans Agné



Vittorio Agnoletto

former MEP (-2009); Member, International Council, World Social Forum, Italy


Onofre Agostini

MP, Brazil


Siv Ågren



Mariana Agria



Stine Agthe



Oscar Raúl Aguad

MP; Leader, Parliamentary Group of Union Civica Radical, Argentina


Jose Manuel Aguilar de Ben

President, The North-South Institute, Spain


Víctor Aguilar Pastor



* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)