Former MP, Denmark
Former MP (1987-2015); Chairperson, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Parliament of Tanzania; 1995-2000 Minister of Work, 2000-2005 Minister of Health, Tanzania, Tanzania
Former MP, Tunisia
Former Senator (2005-2011), Tunisia
MP (-2013), Speaker, East African Legislative Assembly, Kenya
Former MP, Economist., Sweden
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Somalia
former MP (2004-2011); formerly Speaker of the Socialist Group in the Foreign Affairs Committee, Spain
MP (-2013); Lawyer, Paraguay
Former MP (-2009), Germany
former MP (-2008); former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Ghana
Former MP , India
former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament; 2013-2017 Speaker of the Parliament of Ghana, Ghana
former MEP (-2009); Member, International Council, World Social Forum, Italy
Former MP (Diputado), 2010-2016, Dominican Republic
MP (-2011), Nigeria
Former MP; former Union Cabinet Minister, India
MP (-2013); Member, Pan-African Parliament, Mauritania
Former MP; Writer, Urdu poet, script writer and lyricist. Five-time winner of the National Award. , India
Former MP, Uganda
Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014); Member, Standing Committtee on External Affairs, Consultative Committee on Ministry of Coal, India
MP (-2012); President, Synaspismos, Greece
former MEP (Greens/EFA); since 2018 State Minister for Energy, Agriculture, Environment and Digitization of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany
Former MP, Argentina
MP, France
Former MP (2003-2018); Member of the Government Kanton Bern (2018- ), Switzerland
President, World Federalist Movement-Canada; former MP; 1972-1979 Government member; former President, Parliamentarians for Global Action, Canada
former MEP (-2014), Germany
MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Nigeria
MP (-2013), Germany
Former MP (2011-2017), Switzerland
Former MP; 1998-1999 Mongolian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1999-2000 Prime Minister of Mongolia, Mongolia
former MP (2005-2010), Tanzania
Députée du Calvados, France
MP (-2012), France
Former MP, Sweden
Former MP (-2019), Austria
Former MP, Denmark
Former member of the U.S. House of Representatives from Illinois (1961-1981), United States
former MP (2004-2011), Canada
Former MP, Mozambique
former MP; President, Movimiento Político Comunal y Comunitario de Colombia, Colombia
Former MEP (-2014), France
MP (-2013), Iceland
Former MP (-2017), Germany
Former MEP (-2014), Greece
former MP (1993-2011), Canada
Former MP (2004-2014), Sweden
Former MP , Canada
Former MEP (-2014), France
Former MP, Argentina
former MP (1993-2006), Canada
Former Member of the European Parliament (2004-2024), Denmark
Former MP, Argentina
former Member of Parliament (1993-2011), Canada
MP, France
Former Member of the Zanzibar House of Representatives (-2015); Minister for Constitutional Affairs and Justice (2010-), Government of Zanzibar; former Minister, Government of Zanzibar, Tanzania
Former MP, Argentina
former MP, Iceland
Former MP, Uganda
Député des Hauts-de-Seine Maire de Levallois, France
MP (-2012), France
Former Member of Pan-African Parliament (2004-2014); former MP (2005-2010), Tanzania
Mitglied des Nationalrats (2007-2011), Switzerland
MP (-2013), Italy
Former MP (-2017), Germany
former MP (-2011), Spain
Former MP, 2005-2013, Switzerland
Former MP, Argentina
former MP (-2009), South Africa
former MP (1993-2008), Canada
Former Senator; President, Commission on Foreign Affairs, Senate of Haiti, Haiti
Former MP (2005-15), Germany
Chair, Parliamentarians Network for Conflict Prevention; former MEP (-2009); former Chairperson of Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Germany
former MP, Germany
MP (-2013), Former Minister of Justice , Israel
Former MP, Canada
Former Member of European Parliament (2009-2014) , France
Director, screenwriter and former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), India
Former MP, Canada
Former Member of Parliament (-2020), Canada
MP (-2009), Germany
Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden
MEP (1996-2009); former Minister of Justice; since October 2009, Judge at the European Court of Justice, Austria
former MP (2010-2018), Sweden
Former MP, Argentina
MP (Propuesta Republicana, -2013), Argentina
former MP; Chairperson, Executive Committee, World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy, United Kingdom
Former MP, Canada
former MP (until 2008), former MEP (1994-1999), Italy
MP (-2012); former Minister of Social Affairs and Integration, France
Former MP, Mauritania
Fromer MEP (-2024), Spain
MP; Governor of the Province of Santa Fe, 2007-2011, Argentina
Former MP (2010-2023), Switzerland
Former MP (2006-2014), Sweden
Member of the British Columbia Legislature; former federal MP, Canada
former MP (1979 to 2008), Canada
Former MP, Croatia
former MP (1996-2008), Italy
* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)