All individual signatories

Thomas Darlington



Abdi darmawan



Philip J. Darmos



Ina Darmstaedter



Bronwyn Darnley



Carmen Daroca Abad



Evan Darus

United States


Jupiter Das

Social worker and journalist, India


Navanita Das



Nitai Das

PhD; Training Director, PSTC, Bangladesh


Samir Kumar Das



Samir Kumar Das



William Das

United States


Dr. Akhilesh Das Gupta

Former Member of Parliament (Rajya Sabha), Ex-Minister, Union Government, India


Ranjit Dash



Sajjad Dashti Nezhad



Pitan Daslani

Senior Political Correspondent for BeritaSatu Media Holdings which includes the daily Jakarta Globe, Indonesia


Christian Dastich

Lebenskünstler, Germany


Alfredo Carlos Dato

Former Member of Parliament, Argentina


Cinzia Dato

former MP (2006-2008), Italy


Prof. Dr. Asit Datta

Mitglied von DHV, DGfE, GEW, Germanwatch, Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit, Germany


Gabriele Datzer



François Daubé



Prof. Dr. Herta Däubler-Gmelin

Former MP (-2009); Former Chairperson, Committee on Human Rights and Humanitarian Aid, Bundestag; 1998-2002 Minister of Justice, Germany


Yves Daudigny

Senator, France


Alec Dauncey

United Kingdom


Guy Dauncey

Author; Executive Director of The Solutions Project, Canada


Louisa Daunert



Dan David

Reverend; Member, Ministers and Ministries Network International, Nigeria


Peter Davidse

President, Wereld Federalisten Beweging NL, Netherlands


Dr. Jane Davidson

United Kingdom


Dr. Nigel Davidson

I am an international lawyer working in private practice in Australia. I am also a violinist and an actor., Australia


Vivian Davidson

World Federalist UBC Poli SciIR graduate Activistvolunteer, Canada


B. Edward Davies

Director, Institut for Ethics and Global Justice, Canada


Brian E. Davies

Faculty Emeritus, Phil & Hums, Douglas College, BC, Canada


Don Davies

MP, elected 2008; Lawyer, trade union representative, Canada


Gerald Davies

Retired aviator, United Kingdom


Jonathan Davies

Politician, leader of political party Cumbria First. Commited to positive disruption to evolve for the benefit of all., United Kingdom


Libby Davies

Former MP, Canada


Peter Davies

Director General, World Society for the Protection of Animals, United Kingdom


Anthony Davis

Sozialgraduierter: Verwaltungserfahrung in Hamburg und London, Germany


Joel Glenn Davis

United States


Matthew Davis

United States


Prof. Dr. Ronald Davis

Professor Emeritus of Biology Member Emeritus, Climate Change Institute University of Maine, United States


Prof. Shirley Davis

United States


Shirley Davis

United States


Shirley Davis

United States


Shirley Davis

United States


Evangeline Dawatis



Prof. Richard Dawkins

English ethologist, evolutionary biologist and author. University of Oxford‘s Professor for Public Understanding of Science from 1995 until 2008., United Kingdom


Umang Dawn

Yoga Expert & Sports Manager, India


Baba Ali Dawuda



Baba Ali Dawuda



Anne-Marie Day

Former MP, Canada


Wilfred Day

Lawyer, Canada


Raymond de Bruin



Sabrina De Carlo*

Deputy, Camera dei Deputati, Italy


Martín Gonzalo De Carlonis Ruch

Estudiante de Relaciones Internacionales, Argentina


Francesco De Clementi



Andrew de Freitas

New Zealand


Boudewijn De Graeve

Conceptor, Global e-Society Matrix project, Belgium


M.C. de Haas



Lanz Jordan De Jesus

Student, international studies, Australia


Annemieke de Jong

LL.M. International Law, Netherlands


Adriana de la Fuente

Rotary International, Mexico


Johnny de Lange

Former MP (-2014), lawyer, South Africa


Jacqueline de Launière-Ward

retired teacher, Canada


Patricia De Lille

Member of Parliament; former Mayor of Cape Town (2011-2018), South Africa


Herman de Loor

Burgemeester, Stad Zottegem, Belgium


Kurt De Loor

MP (-2014), Belgium


Fabio De Masi

Candidate DIE LINKE. for elections to the European Parliament 2009, Germany


Michael de Mol



Maria de Nazaré Gadelha Ferreira Fernandes

Human rights lawyer; 2001 North South Prize of Lisbon, Brazil


Antoine De Pauw

Collaborateur de recherches Gradué en Informatique et Systèmes , Belgium


Nicolas De Preter



Joseph de Rivera

United States


Proinsias De Rossa

Former MEP (-2014), Ireland


Colette De Schutter

ULB, Belgium


Prof. Dr. Olivier De Schutter

former UN Special Rapporteur on the right to food (2008-2014), Belgium


Aurore De Troy



Dr. Gaetano De Venuto



Jean Baptiste de Weck

Secretary, Club UNESCO Fribourg, Switzerland


Dr. Jean-Baptiste De Weck

Secrétaire et fondateur, Club Unesco Fribourg, Switzerland


Alfons de Wert



Olivia de Wrangel



Dr. Martin De Wulf



Tana de Zulueta

former MP (2006-2008); former Vice-President, Foreign and European Affairs Committee, Chamber of Deputies; former Senator (1996-2006), Italy


Heather Deal

Councillor, City of Vancouver, Canada


Jean-Claude Debieve

Bourgmestre de la commune de Boussu, Belgium


Hans Deblieck



Pascale Decant



Jean DeCecco



Dr. Richard Samuel Deese

Lecturer in Social Science at Boston University. Research concerns technology, nature, and the global commons, United States


Lukas Deffendall

United States


Patricio Degiorgis



Nelson DeGus

United States


Diether Dehm

MP, Germany


Elettra Deiana

former MP (2001-2008), Italy


Alexander Deisböck



Felix Deist



* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)