Leading activist for UN Parliament honoured with "Vision Award"

4. Juni 2007

One of the leading activists of the Campaign for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) was honoured on Monday in Berlin at a civil society gathering at the fringe of the G8-Summit in Heiligendamm, Germany. Andreas Bummel, who was one of the recipients of the "Vision Award", has been working for a UN Parliament since 1997. He is chairman of the Committee for a Democratic UN and leads the UNPA-Campaign’s Secretariat. The establishment of a UN Parliamentary Assembly was one of the ten projects featured at the "Vision Summit" initiated by the Global Economic Network, an association of progressive entrepreneurs and economic leaders. Among the other visionary leaders honoured with the Summit’s award were Muhammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen Bank, or Franz Josef Radermacher, activist for a "Global Marshall Plan". The conference was attended by more than 700 participants.
