History & Milestones
The Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly, launched in 2007, can build on a long tradition of support and activism. The proposal for the creation of a UNPA is as old as the UN itself. The idea of a political body elected by the world's citizens can be traced back to the days of the French revolution in the 18th century. Here's a brief overview of important milestones.
Latest developments
According to a survey in G7 and BRICS countries, overall 62% of respondents support the creation of a UN Parliamentary Network while only 17% opposed
- A UNPA is supported by the Interim's People's Pact drafted by civil society's Global Futures Forum
The foreign minister of Malaysia, Saifuddin bin Abdullah, supports the creation of a UNPA
- A joint statement of over 120 lawmakers from over 40 countries endorses the "We The Peoples" campaign and a UNPA
A joint statement of over 100 civil society organizations supports a UNPA, launching the "We The Peoples" campaign for inclusive global governance
- The United Nations publishes its UN75 report with a reference to UNPA as a way to make the UN more inclusive
A UNPA is supported by civil society's UN75 People's Declaration
The European Parliament calls on the EU's governments to support a UNPA
The support of the international campaign has grown to over 1,500 current and former members of parliament
- The European Parliament calls for a UN debate on a UNPA
The Pan-African Parliament calls on the African Union to support the establishment of a UNPA
The Commission on Global Security, Justice & Governance endorses a UN Parliamentary Network
- The government of Catalonia, Spain, endorses a UNPA
The support of the international campaign has grown to over 1,200 current and former members of parliament
- At a Commonwealth summit in Sri Lanka, the Foreign Minister of Malta endorses a UNPA
- The Fifth International Meeting on a UNPA comes together at the European Parliament in Brussels
- The first Global Week of Action for a World Parliament is launched
- The UN's Independent Expert for the Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order endorses a UNPA
- The East African Legislative Assembly endorses a UNPA
The third Green World Congress reiterates the Green's support for a UNPA in Dakar
The Parliament of Mercosur endorses a UNPA
- In a resolution on the EU's UN policy, the European Parliament endorses a UNPA
The Fourth International Meeting on a UNPA comes together in premises of the Senate of Argentina in Buenos Aires
- The National Assembly of the Seychelles endorses a UNPA
Before 2010
The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe supports a UNPA
- The Third International Meeting on a UNPA gathers in New York
- The Argentinian Chamber of Deputies endorses a UNPA
- The campaign issues a "Call for global democratic oversight of international financial and economic institutions"
- The support of the international campaign has grown to 600 current and former members of parliament
The Second International Meeting on a UNPA meets at the European Parliament in Brussels
- The Senate of Argentina supports a UNPA
- The Latin-American Parliament endorses a UNPA
- In an official report, the government of Switzerland expresses a supportive view
The first Green World Congress in Sao Paulo supports a UNPA
- The First International Meeting on a UNPA comes together in Geneva under the patronage of former UN Secretary-General Boutros-Ghali
In a resolution adopted on UN day, the Pan-African Parliament calls for a UNPA
- The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Canadian House of Commons supports a UNPA
- Former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali addresses a supportive message to the participants of the UNPA campaign
- The international campaign for a UNPA is launched with events in over ten countries. The campaign's appeal for a UNPA is endorsed by around 400 members of parliament from 70 countries, among others.
Before 2007
The Congress of the World Federation of United Nations Associations, meeting in Buenos Aires, adopts a resolution that calls for a UNPA
An open letter signed by a majority of Swiss parliamentarians asks UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan to look into the proposal of a UNPA
- The Congress of the Liberal International endorses a UNPA
The 22nd Congress of the Socialist International, meeting in Sao Paulo, endorses the goal of a UNPA
The London Declaration of the World Campaign for In-Depth Reform of the System of International Institutions lead by UBUNTU Forum, a network of international NGOs and intellecutals, endorses a world parliament
The first International Conference of Chief Justices of the World meets in Lucknow, India, and supports the establishment of a world parliament ever since
In Paris, a Committee for a World Parliament is formed. Many former heads of state join the advisory board, including South Africa's Nelson Mandela
- The president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel, calls for an elected world parliament in his speech at the UN's Millennium Summit
Before 2000
On the occasion of the WTO's conference in Seattle, 150 international parliamentarians and the European Parliament call for the establishment of a WTO Parliamentary Assembly
Professors Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss from the U.S. publish the first article in a subsequent influential series that promotes a world parliament
The report of the Commission on Global Governance says that when the time comes, a global parliamentary body should be considered
In a resolution on UN reform, the European Parliament suggests that a UNPA should be considered
- A report of the InterAction Council, an association of former heads of state and government, suggests that a UNPA should be studied
- A study by renown UN experts Erskine Childers and Brian Urquhart, "Renewing the United Nations System," recommends a UNPA
The Foreign Affairs Committee of the Canadian House of Commons endorses a UNPA
The World Federalist Movement, an international NGO established in 1947, promotes a UNPA as a first step towards a world parliament. A WFM paper published by Dieter Heinrich creates new momentum.
- A report of the Liberal International endorses the long-term goal of a directly elected world parliament
The Conference on a More Democratic United Nations, CAMDUN, discusses proposals for a world parliament, among other things
Before 1990
The International NGO Network for a UN Second Assembly, INFUSA, calls on the UN to study proposals for a "Second Chamber"
In a speech at the UN, the Indian UN Ambassador calls a world parliament "a very desirable thing"
Assembling in Copenhagen, Denmark, more than 400 parliamentarians endorse a UN Charter revision that would establish a world parliament
A former U.S. delegate to the San Francisco conference that established the United Nations in 1945 suggests the establishment of a UNPA according to Article 22 of the UN's Charter
Albert Einstein publishes an open letter to the UN General Assembly that calls for direct elections of UN delegates
In a poll conducted in the United States, 62 percent agree that the U.S. should participate in an elected world parliament
After the end of the Second World War, the British Foreign Minister suggests that the establishment of a world parliament should be studied
Before 1945
Henry Ford, founder of the Ford Motor Company, calls for a directly elected world parliament
Shoghi Effendi, Guardian and appointed head of the Bahá'í Faith, endorses a world parliament
The international conference of League of Nations societies in Berne calls for an international parliament
The British delegation at the Versailles Peace talks following the First World War suggests that the League of Nations should include a world parliament
The German peace movement headed by feminist and peace activist Bertha von Suttner supports a world parliament
At a conference in Brussels, a delegation of the United States Congress suggests the establishment of a world parliament
Alfred Tennyson, a British poet, promotes a parliament of mankind in the poem "Locksley Hall"
During the French Revolution, cosmopolitan revolutionaries call for the creation of a world republic with a world parliament