What you can do to support the campaign


Create momentum

Endorse the campaign. Use this online form and add your name to the growing list of international supporters. Ask your family, friends, and colleagues to endorse the campaign, too. Then ask them to ask their friends. Send them the link to the online form.

Contact your elected representatives. The representatives of the constituency in which you vote should care about your views. Ask your local member of parliament to endorse the campaign’s appeal. Here is a form that you can print out. Getting elected representatives on board is crucial to create the political support that the campaign needs.

You are a member of a political party or an NGO? Present the campaign’s appeal and ask the board or the general meeting of your organization to formally endorse it. Once this was achieved, let us know about it.

Create publicity

Spread the word on social media. Follow the campaign on Facebook and Twitter. Share posts using our hashtags #WorldParliament and #UNParliamentaryAssembly. If you include our handle @unpacampaign at Twitter, we may re-tweet. Reach out to anyone on social networks who you can image to be interested.

Write about the campaign. On your blog, in your local newspaper, in your students’ magazine, in a comment to an online article or maybe in an academic paper. Whenever there are chances to make a connection to our proposal and the campaign, please do it.

Support the campaign

Volunteer. You would like to volunteer? Get in touch with us and let us know more about you and your skills. We are happy to discuss with you the opportunities. If you have a computer and a good internet connection, you could work from anywhere in the world.

Support in-house or pro bono. You work in an organization that could help the campaign? You are a freelancer or run your own business and could help us with your services and products? Let us know how you could help!

Donate. Make a financial contribution to help the campaign maintain its international work. Any amount helps. Here's an online form. If you can’t donate much yourself, but know people who might be able to, speak to them and let them know that their support is needed in the efforts for global democracy.