With a focus on preservation and conservation of the environment, university students participated in a simulation of a global parliamentary sessionThis past Friday, the Argentine Congress hosted a simulated session of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly, in which around 60 students from the departments of […]
A first event of this year’s Global Week of Action for a World Parliament was held last Tuesday at the University of Belgrano in Buenos Aires. The founding member of the Argentine organization Democracia Global, Fernando Iglesias, presented the international Campaign for a UN Parliamentary […]
The establishment of a world parliament was discussed at the Argentine Council on International Relations, CARI, last week. The speakers of the meeting were Andreas Bummel, global coordinator of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly During the event Image: CARI Young Group who participated […]
The increasing public problems related to climate change and the economic and political transformations of the 21st century demand more democracy. New worldwide problems demand new institutional solutions. The United Nations needs to recognize that being an exclusive club of governments and involving some representatives of civil society is not enough to connect citizens with the international decision-making system. The political pluralism of the world's societies is not represented at the United Nations. International political decisions have to be informed by all perspectives. Governments have their own self-serving interests and this is especially true for authoritarian and totalitarian regimes. The United Nations need to make a step forward in the quality of plural representation that makes minorities seen and heard. This is the main reason why it is necessary to support the creation of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly.
Lilia Puig, Argentine democracy activist and politician of the Union Cívica Radical, currently Member of the Mercosur Parliament, 2019
Global problems require global solutions. A World Parliament is precisely the forum which takes humanity's point of view, it's the institution which proposes nothing less than to save us all from our own limitations. The rumor of the day is that a group of powerful hawks is preparing the Third World War. We should hope that this rumor will be debated in public forums that are guided by nothing but reason.
Mario Bunge, Argentine philosopher, 2016