Tag Archives: United Nations

Latest supporters

Simeon Stracke, Germany — Nicholas Vollmer, Germany — Navaratnam Wimalanath, Canada — Justin Kubayo Arkangelo Martin, South Sudan — Janwillem van de Loo, Germany — Mark Evans, United Kingdom — Matthew Martin, United States of America — Debra Sutherland, Canada — Luciana Fatima Mancini, Italy — Jon Pult, Switzerland

26. September 2019

Civil society conference in New York calls for a UN Parliamentary AssemblyAn alternative People's Assembly on the implementation of the UN's Sustainable Development goals was held this week in parallel to the high-level debate of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly and the […]


21. October 2018

Resolution adopted at Plenary Assembly in Punta Cana anticipates a UN Reform Summit in 2020The World Federation of United Nations Associations (WFUNA), calls on UN member states, parliamentarians, civil society and its more than 100 member organizations across the world to "support steps towards the […]


16. April 2018

On April 11th, the United Nations Correspondents Association with support of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies hosted an event at the UN headquarters in New York marking the launch of the book "A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century", authored by […]
