United Nations Association of Sweden reaffirms support of a UN Parliamentary Assembly
Resolution adopted at Svenska FN-förbundet's congress in Örebro
At its national congress from June 16-17, the United Nations Association of Sweden, UNA-Sweden, passed a resolution that reaffirms the organization’s support for the establishment of a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA). The resolution commits the board to seek ways to "strengthen and broaden the support of the Campaign for a UN Parliamentary Assembly, nationally and globally", and to start a "long-term and strategic project" in order to promote a democratization of the United Nations.
As one of the new board members UNA Sweden's Congress elected Petter Ölmunger, the UNPA Campaign’s national coordinator and chairperson of Democracy Without Borders Sweden. The latter organization was established earlier this year with the purpose of promoting global democracy and a UNPA in particular.
“We can see how the gap is growing ever wider between our greatest political challenges and the actual power of elected politicians. If we want local and national democracy to survive in the age of globalization, a democratization of the United Nations and of global decision-making has become a most urgent necessity,” said Ölmunger.
UNA-Sweden is an umbrella organization supported by some 130 national civil society organizations. It enjoys the support of 7,000 individual members organized in over 100 local chapters. UNA’s national congress is meeting every third year and represents the highest decision-making body of the organization.
Around fifty member of parliament from Sweden are on record as supporters of the international appeal for a UNPA.