Denna studie undersöker förhållandet mellan den Interparlamentariska unionen (IPU) och den föreslagna parlamentariska församlingen inom FN (UNPA). Den anger huvuddragen ...
En parlamentarisk församling inom FN
Maja Brauer och Andreas Bummel, 2020
Skapandet av en parlamentarisk församling inom FN som ett första steg mot ett världsparlament är ett avgörande mål för Democracy ...
A World Parliament: Governance and Democracy in the 21st Century
Jo Leinen and Andreas Bummel, 2018
Global challenges such as war, climate change, poverty and inequality are overwhelming nation-states and today’s international institutions. Doing the right ...
Strengthening Security, Justice, and Democracy Globally: The Case for a UN Parliamentary Assembly
Luis Cabrera, 2015
This background paper for the Commission on Global Security, Justice, and Governance looks into the issue of a UN Parliamentary ...
Creating a World Parliamentary Assembly
Joseph E. Schwartzberg, 2012
This study explores how the democratic deficit of the United Nations can be progressively minimized by the development of a ...
The Legal and Political Status of International Parliamentary Institutions
Claudia Kissling, 2011
This paper contains a worldwide analysis of International Parliamentary Institutions (IPIs) in existence to date. Their number and competences are ...
A Global Parliament: Essays and Articles
Richard Falk and Andrew Strauss, 2011
Democracy is the guiding principle for fairly and peacefully making community decision at the local, provincial, and national levels of ...
The Case for a United Nations Parliamentary Assembly
Dieter Heinrich, 2010
This booklet, originally published in 1992, brings together some of the most cogent arguments for establishing a United Nations Parliamentary ...