UNPA proposal presented at Forum in Guadalajara, Mexico

12. november 2007

The proposal to create a UN Parliamentary Assembly (UNPA) was presented at the third forum on alternatives of global governance, the “Tercer Foro Internacional sobre las Alternativas de Gobierno Mundial”, in Guadalajara, Mexico, on 9 November. In a speech delivered at the forum, the head of the Secretariat of the UNPA-Campaign, Andreas Bummel, stressed the historic importance of strengthening the democratic character of global governance. “The best possible means to achieve this is a UN Parliamentary Assembly”, he said. The forum was organized by the Universidad de Guadalajara and Planetafilia A.C. The chairman of Planetafilia, Francisco Plancarte, advocated to call a UN Charter review conference according to Article 109. “Pushing for a charter review conference could also be one of the options to be discussed by a UNPA”, Bummel noted. So far, the UNPA proposal is being endorsed in Mexico by eight deputies of the Cámara de Diputados. As local partner of the UNPA-Campaign, Planetafilia A.C. is coordinating the efforts to establish further support in the country.

Tags: Mexico