All individual signatories

Vedran Maslic



Brian Masse

MP, Canada


Christophe Masse

MP 2002-2007, France


Manuela Sandrine Daisy Masso

Deputé du Parlement Camerounais Junior des Nations Unies a lʼAssociation des Nations Unies, Cameroon


Katja Mast

MP, Germany


Sirpa Mastall



Olga Masur

Mediatorin und Mentaltrainerin, Germany


Faraj Matar

Saudi Arabia


Naim Matasci



Dr. Reginald Matchaba-Hove

Chairman, Zimbabwe Election Support Network; Chairman, Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa, Zimbabwe


Miria Matembe

former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Uganda


Juan Antonio Mateos Nuño

former Member of the Congreso del Estado de Jalisco (2006-2009), Mexico


Liliana Materi



Bela Materna



Charles Mateso

Ingénieur civil, DR Congo


Mojo Mathers

former MP, New Zealand


Kerstin Mathias

Vorsitzende, Europäisches Jugendparlament in Deutschland e.V., Germany


Kasper Mathiassen

Student from the demokratic high school Det frie Gymnasium, Denmark


Kenneth Mathieu

Etudiant en Droit, France


Palak Mathur

Blogger on Social Issues, UN Reforms Evangelist, India


Andreas Mathys



Irene Mathyssen

Member of Parliament, Canada


Lindsay Mathyssen*

MP, House of Commons, Canada


Marisa Matias

MP; former MEP (-2024; Vice-Chair, GUE/NGL), Portugal


Marcos Matias Alonso

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Baitseng Lillian Matlhoahela

former MP (-2009), South Africa


Prof. Ronald P. Matonti

Veterans for Peace, Vietnam Veterans for Peace, Pax Christi, United States of America


Jin Matsubara

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Isao Matsuda

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Prof. Dr. Mitsuo Matsuka

Member, World Federalist Movement of Japan, Japan


Midori Matsushima

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Masaji Matsuyama

MP (House of Councilors), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Joseph S. Matte

Former MP, Uganda


Dr. Anna Mattei Russo



Hilde Mattheis

MdB, Germany


Brett Matthews

Managing Partner, Mathwood Consulting Company, Toronto, Canada


Press speaker, Center for Enco Reichl Matthias



Dr. Ulrich Matthias

Geschäftsführer der Eine-Welt-Partei, Germany


Nan Matthias-Wang



Lasse Mattila



Lasse Mattila



Sarah Mattila



Simone Mattila



Georgia Mattingly

United States of America


Monika Mattsson



Rebecca Mattsson



Sara Mattsson Leidelmeijer



Sara Mattsson Leidelmeijer



Holly Matus Toledo

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Lorena Matzen*

MP, Cámara de Diputados, Argentina


Prof. Philippe Mauchard



Michael Mauler



Stefan Mäurer



Ntakirutimana Maurice

student of Master degree in Development studies, Rwanda


Pierre Yves Maurice

Vice-President, European Federalist Union, France


Prof. Edrice Mauricette



Ian Mauro

United States of America


Liliane Maury-Pasquier

Former MP (1995-2007); Former Senator (2007-2019); Former President of the Council of Europe, Switzerland


Amândio Mavela

Peace advocate, Angola


Telemachos Mavrides

United States of America


Tom Mawby

United Kingdom


Umar Lule Mawiya

Former MP; Former Chairperson, Committee on Foreign Affairs, Uganda


Renata Maxelon



Brigitte Maxheim



Richard Maxheim



Alejandro May



Elizabeth May

MP; former Leader, Green Party of Canada (2003-2019), Canada


Dr. Peter May



Prof. Dr. Hans-Peter Mayer

Former MEP (-2014), Germany


Michael Mayer

Mitglied bei Mehr Demokratie e.V., Germany


Federico Mayor Zaragoza

Chairman, Fundación Cultura de Paz; Chairman, UBUNTU Foundation; 1987-1999 Director-General, UNESCO, Spain


Victorino Mayoral Cortes

former MP (-2008), Spain


Stefan Mayrhofer



Sascha Mazasek



Carla Mazzuca Poggiolini

former MP; Journalist, Italy


Prof. Marshall Mbamfu

DR Congo


Francine Bienvenue Mberi Tsimba

Congo (Brazzaville)


François Mbesse Awomo

Acteur de la Société Civile, Cameroon


François Mbesse Awomo



Zakhele Mbhele

MP (DA), South Africa


Rodrigue Mbongho Mushieh

Journaliste, Cameroon


Valerie Mbongo

PhD student and my thesis is on the idea of world government as a vehicle for achieving global justice., United Kingdom


Alhagie Mbow

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Gambia


Prof. Pascal Mbuebue Tshimini

South Africa


Simon Mbugua

MP (-2013), Kenya


Paul Mbus Mbock



Pierre Antoine Mby

Chef du quartier Eboum 1, Nkongsamba, Cameroon


Conor Mc Devitt



Peter Mc Nulty

BA BAI, MEngSc, CEng MIEI Chartered Engineer in Water/Wastewater Field, Ireland


Dr. John McCallum

Former MP, Canada


Arlene McCarthy

Former MEP (-2014), United Kingdom


Bill McCarthy

President, Citizens for a United Nations Peoples Assembly, United States of America


Michael McCarthy

United Kingdom


Smári McCarthy

MP for Pirate Party, south constituency, Iceland. Member of Economy and Trade committee, EFTA & EEA committees; alternate member OSCE PA., Iceland


Chris McClelland



Josie McColl

Retired resident of Clearwater, B.C., Canada


H McCrillis

United States of America


Paul McCuish

Teacher, Canada


Dr. Henry McCurtis

Physician interested in public and global health, United States of America


Christopher Mcdermott

United Kingdom


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)