All individual signatories

Christian Page

United States of America


Felix Pahl



Daniel Paillé

former Member of Parliament (2008-2011), Canada


Dominique Paillé

MP 1993-2007, France


Pascal-Pierré Paille

former MP (2008-2011), Canada


Manuel Alfonso Palacio Fernández

Medico general, Spain


Susana Amalia Palacios

Psychoanalyst; President, Instituto Tempos Modernos, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Frank Palatnick

Director, Global Education IAED, United States of America


Erasmo Palazzotto*

Deputy, Camera dei Deputati, Italy


Justas Paleckis

Former MEP (-2014), Lithuania


Dr. Arun Paliwal

I belong to state Finance Service of Madhya Pradesh Government, India


Sheryl Palm

Speech-Language Pathologist, M.Sc., Canada


Stephanie Palm



Jonas Palmborg



Dr. Brian Palmer

Social anthropologist and scholar of religion at Uppsala University in Sweden. Previously taught at Harvard., Sweden


Latasha Palmer

United States of America


Dave Pamah

United Kingdom


Giovanni Pampanini



Tia Pamungkas



Hanshen Pan

Secretary General, Green Party Taiwan, Taiwan


Dr. Marie Panayotopoulos-Cassiotou

former MEP (-2009), Greece


Bertrand Pancher*

MP, Assemblée nationale, France


Dr. Daniele Pancheri



Baijayant Jay Panda

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), India


lopamudra Panda



Prof. Enrique Pañeda



Enrique Pañeda Reinlein



Enrique Pañeda Reinlein



Theodoros Pangalos

MP (-2012); Since 2009 Deputy Prime Minister; 1996-1999 Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2000 Minister for Culture, Greece


Patrick Panneels

Gérant de société, Belgium


Sunil Babu Pant

Former Member of Parliament; Former Coordinator of youth parliamentarians caucus, Nepal


Gina Pantier

United States of America


Dr. Godfrey Michael Papa



Dimitris Papadimoulis

Former MEP and Vice-President of the European Parliament (-2024; GUE/NGL), Greece


Antigoni Papadopoulos

Former MEP (-2014); President of a Women Organization and active parliamentarian on gender issues, Cyprus


Gerasimos Papanastasatos

Head of Research Department, KETHEA - Therapy Center for Dependent Individuals, Greece


Vasso Papandreou

MP (-2012), Greece


Aries Papas



Aristides Papas



Alain Paquet



Alain Paquet



Pierre Paquette

former MP (2000-2011), Canada


Dr. Nagappan Parasuraman

M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation, India


Catalina Paredes

Diputada, Dominican Republic


Erna Paris

Award-winning author, most recently "The Sun Climbs Slow: Justice in the Age of Imperial America", Canada


María Julieta París Duprat

Consejera Escolar de Vicente López, Argentina


Bonnie Bedford Park

United States of America


Donna Park

United States of America


Blake Parker

Committee Leader - WFP Committee of Boston, United States of America


David Parker



Gilbert Parker

Professional Engineer, Author of 5 books. B.Sc., B.A., M.B.A., Canada


Federico Matheo Parma



Federico Matheo Parma



Richard Parncutt



Raúl Omar Paroli

Former MP, Argentina


Carolyn Parrish

former MP, Canada


Jonathan Parry



Dr. Trita Parsi

Founder and president of the National Iranian American Council, Sweden


Matt Parsons

Retired resident of Clearwater, B.C., Canada


Dr. Antonyia Parvanova

Former MEP (-2014), Bulgaria


Mariam Parwaiz

Medical student, New Zealand


Roland Pascoe

United Kingdom


Reinhard Paß

Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Essen, Germany


Peter Passehl

Policeman, Germany


Gale Passo

United States of America


Prof. Isabel Aurelia Pastor Pomares



Federico Pastoris

United Kingdom


Antonette Patal-o



Dinsha J. Patel

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), Minister of State in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, India


Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak

Founder, Sulabh International Social Service Organisation, India


L. Pathmayohan

Vancouver, Canada


Vimla Patil

Writer, social activist, journalist; formerly editor of Femina, India


Abhijeet Patnaik



Prof. Dr. Heikki Patomäki

Professor of International Relations, University of Helsinki, Finland


Denis Patrakeev



Bernard Patry

former MP (1993-2011), former Vice-Chairperson, Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, House of Commons, Canada


gillian patterson



Shawn Patton



Mark Paul



p paula



José Paulet

Bourgmestre de la commune de Gesves, Belgium


Knut Vidar Paulsen



Prof. Dr. Quentin Pauluis

M.D. Ph.D. in neurosciences, Belgium


Nicoletta Pavese



Dr. Breda Pavlic

Member of Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO, Slovenia


Aristotelis Pavlidis

MP (-2012); Minister of the Aegean and Island Policy, Greece


Prof. Howard Pawley

Director, Centre for Studies in Social Justice, University of Windsor; 1981-1988 Premier of the Canadian Province of Manitoba, Canada


Timm Pawlik



Alexandra Payer

persönlicher Einsatz für Kinder- und Menschenrechte, Austria


Daniela Payssé

MP, Uruguay


Jennifer Paz Baloco



David Pearce

United Kingdom


Suzanne Pearce

Member, and the World Federalist Movement, United States of America


Glen Pearson

former MP (2006-2011), Canada


Unni Pedersen



Jordi Pedret i Grenzner

former MP (-2011), Spain


Ferran Pedret i Santos

Advocat, Spain


Fabio Pedrina

Consiglio nazionale (1999-2011), Switzerland


Fernando Pedrosa



Aaron Peeks

United States of America


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)