All individual signatories

Barry Sheerman*

MP, House of Commons, United Kingdom


Faisal Shehzad



Evan Shekhar

United States of America


Neeraj Shekhar

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha, -2014), India


Michael Sheldon

United Kingdom


Beatrice Matumbo Shellukindo

Former MP, Tanzania


Nicole Shephard

Human Resources Specialist, Studentin der Sozialarbeit % Sozialpolitik, Switzerland


Nathan Shepherd



Prof. Robert Sheppard

University of Peking, United States of America


Nilofar Sherinbek



Andrea Shettle

United States of America


Prachita Shetty

I'm a graduate student of International Development Studies., India


Raju Shetty

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha); Founder, Swabhimani Paksha, India


Masahiko Shibayama

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Shahida Parveen Shikha

Secretary-General, Womens Trade Union, Bangladesh


Mikio Shimoji

MP (House of Representatives), Independent, Japan


Hakubun Shimomura

MP (House of Representatives), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Takeshi Shina

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Kanehiko Shindo

MP (House of Councilors), Liberal Democratic Party, Japan


Marian Shinn

Former ICT journalist. Now Democratic Alliance MP, South Africa


Takashi Shinohara

MP (House of Representatives), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Ayaka Shiomura

MP (House of Councilors), Constitutional Democratic Party, Japan


Hiroaki Shiota



Chakorn Shipp

United Kingdom


Ronald Shirtliff



Ahmad Shono

Saudi Arabia


Clare Short

former MP (1983-2010); former Secretary of State for International Development (1997-2003), United Kingdom


Joe Short

Retired resident of Vavenby, B.C., Canada


Anish Shrestha

I am an Indigenous Youth Activist., Nepal


Guy Shrubsole

United Kingdom


Mzwakhe Sibisi*

MP, National Assembly, South Africa


Joel Mbhazima Sibiya

former MP (-2009), South Africa


Dr. Ghayasuddin Siddiqui

President, The Muslim Parliament, United Kingdom


Prof. Dr. Bernd Siebenhüner

Professor of Ecological Economics, Germany


Jula-Kim Sieber



Björn Siebke



Dr. Abdulbaset Sieda

President of the Syrian National Council (SNC) / President för Syriens nationella råd, Syria


Dr. Harald Siem

Public health official, Norway


Nancy de la Sierra Arámburo*

Senator, Senado de la República, Mexico


Gudrun Sievers



Angelo Siglos



Jon A. Sigurdson

B.Sc. General Science, University of Waterloo (1987); member CMHA., Canada


Junior Sikabwe



William Sikes

United States of America


Bill Siksay

former Member of Parliament (2004-2011), Canada


Elise Silber



Lutz Silbernagel



Joseph Sileo

United States of America


Geraldine Siles



Prof. Giorgio Silfer



Lovisa Silfverlood



Dr. Doina Silistru

MP; Engineer, Agronomist, PhD in agronomy, Romania


Mario Silva

former MP (2004-2011), Canada


Luiz Alberto Silva dos Santos

Former MP, Brazil


Maritza Augusta Silva Elyas

Defenseure des droits de l'homme , Peru


Maritza Silva Soto Elyas

Titre d'avocat, Universite San Martin de Porres, 1978 Lima, Peru


Dr. Orlandi Silvano



David Silverman

President, American Atheists, United States of America


Tze Tzin Sim

MP, Malaysia


Peris Simam

MP (-2013), Kenya


Hans Kristian Simensen



Marilyn Simmons



Scott Simms

Former MP, Canada


Karin Simon



Martin Simon

United Kingdom


Nils Simon

Student der Politikwissenschaft, Germany


Peter Simon

Former MEP (S&D, 2009-2019), Germany


Robert SIMON



Dr. Essomba Tina Simon Pierre

Defenseur des Droits Humains, MUL-PADH; membre, Amnesty International, Cameroon


Prof. Nicolás Simone



Chiara Simoneschi-Cortesi

Consiglio nazionale (1999-2011); Presidente Ufficio CN (2008-2009), Switzerland


Andrew Simpson

United States of America


Shane Simpson

Member of the British Columbia Legislature, Canada


Berhan Simşek

former Member of Parliament; film artist, Turkey


Muyoyeta Simui

South Africa


Asja Simunovic



Michael Sinclair

Sawmill employee in Clearwater, B.C., Canada


Amit Singh

Ph.D. Candidate- Centre for International Legal Studies at JNU, DELHI, India


Eshan Singh

United States of America


Ganesh Singh

Member of Parliament (Lok Sabha), India


Indarjit Singh*

Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom


Karan Singh



Nand Kishore Singh

Member, Rajya Sabha (-2014), India


Poornima Singh



Priyanka Singh



Ratanjit P. N. Singh

MP (Lok Sabha, -2014); Minister of State in the Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas of India and Ministry of Corporate Affairs, India


Ravneet Singh

MP (Lok Sabha), India


Prof. Sabina Singh

Professor of Poltiical Science, Canada


Sandeep Singh



Smita Singh



Vijay Kumar Singh

I am working for One World Order to ensure adequet facilities for ever, India


Dr. Vinod Singh

Council Member, CCLP Worldwide, India


Vijay Inder Singla

MP (Lok Sabha, -2014), India


Sabina Siniscalchi

former MP (2006-2008), Italy


Vincenzo Siniscalchi

former MP; Lawyer, Italy


James Sink

United States of America


Kathy Sinnott

former MEP (-2009), Ireland


Despina Sinou

Marangopoulos Foundation for Human Rights, France


Jonathan Sippel



Alessandra Siragusa

MP (-2013), Deputata del Partito democratico, Italy


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)