All individual signatories

Bill McCarthy

President, Citizens for a United Nations Peoples Assembly, United States


Michael McCarthy

United Kingdom


Smári McCarthy

MP for Pirate Party, south constituency, Iceland. Member of Economy and Trade committee, EFTA & EEA committees; alternate member OSCE PA., Iceland


Chris McClelland



Josie McColl

Retired resident of Clearwater, B.C., Canada


H McCrillis

United States


Paul McCuish

Teacher, Canada


Dr. Henry McCurtis

Physician interested in public and global health, United States


Christopher Mcdermott

United Kingdom


Peter McDermott

President, AIESEC Sydney, Australia


Dr. Don McDiarmid



Joseph McDonald

Student, United States


Derry McDonell

Junior-level Canadian diplomat, Canada


Alexa McDonough

former MP (1997-2008), Canada


Dr. Matt McDonough

United States


Ryan McDowell

Project Intern at BGZ Berlin. Politics graduate. Master's degree graduate in Violence, Terrorism and Security., United Kingdom


Prof. Elaine McDuff

United States


Jessica McFall

Law Student, United States


Jesse McGean



Robin McGhee

Student of politics and history, United Kingdom


Doug McGowan

Concerned, justice seems to be metered out by the privileged., Canada


Glenys McIntyre



Prof. Dr. John McKay

Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Canada


The Honourable John McKay P.C., M.P.

Canadian Member of Parliament for the Riding of Scarborough-Guildwood., Canada


Eston McKeague

Student, United States


Kevin McKee

Law Student, IT Professional, Canada


Michael McKenny



Christine Mckenzie

Family caregiver, ex nurse, United Kingdom


Nick McKim

Senator (Australian Greens), Australia


Cameron McLean



Robert McLeod



Laura Veendapi Mcleod-Katjirua

Governor of Khomas Region; MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Namibia


Alan McLoughlin

MP, Democratic Alliance, South Africa


Liz McManus

former MP (1992-2011), Ireland


Edward McMillan-Scott

Former MEP (1984-2014); Former Vice-President, European Parliament, United Kingdom


Bob McMullan

former MP (1996-2010); former Minister of Trade, Australia


Fiona McMurran

former university lecturer, activist with the Council of Canadians, Canada


Tom McNally*

Member of the House of Lords, United Kingdom


Sébastien McNeil

Enseignant à l'élémentaire, Canada


Keith McNeill

In 1987 and 1989 I walked 4,000 km across Canada to promote UN reform, Canada


Laurie McNeill

United Kingdom


Roger McNeill



Sean McNichol

United Kingdom


Sean Mcnichol

United Kingdom


Sean McNichol

United Kingdom


Nilantha McPartland

Music Student, Ireland


Linda McQuaig

Journalist, columnist and non-fiction author, most recently "Holding the Bully's Coat: Canada and the US Empire", Canada


Michael McQuary

United States


Brian McQuilkin

United States


Justin McQuilkin

United States


Roberts Joash Mcurusula Munduga Jr.



Sibusiso Mdabe*

MP, National Assembly, South Africa


Halima James Mdee

MP (2005-2015), Tanzania


Bope Medard du Roche

Président fondateur d'une organisation des droits de l'homme, DR Congo


Bope Medard Du Rocher

je suis^preésident de l'Asociation des droits de l'homme, DR Congo


Maximilian Meduna



Justin Meggitt

United Kingdom


Geoff Meggs

Vancouver City Councillor, Canada


Zita Mego Pieplie



Zita Mego Pieplie



Jeenat Mehareen



Hatidza Mehemdović

President, Mothers of Srebrenica , Bosnia and Herzegowina


Yumyugyul Mehmed



Semsudin Mehmedovic

MP, Bosnia and Herzegowina


Marcel Meier



Dr. Walter Meier-Solfrian

Mathematiker und Ökonom, Switzerland


Erik Meijer

former MEP (-2009), Netherlands


Patrick Meinhardt

MP (-2013), Germany


Gisela Meinke



Prof. Dr. John Meisel



Peter Meißner



Simon Meister



Prof. Martha Patricia Mejia Cortes



Prof. Ermelinda Meksi

MP (-2013); Member, Executive Board, Parliamentarians for Global Action; Former Minister of Economic Cooperation and Trade, Albania


Giovanna Melandri

MP (-2013); former Minister of Culture, Italy


Dr. Henning Melber

Executive Director, Dag Hammarskjöld Foundation, Sweden


Marianne Melin Åström



Dr. Simon Melko



Dr. Katrin Melko-Gabler



Dr. Angelo Mello



Manuela a Melo

MP (-2011), Portugal


Prof. Dr. Alexandre Melo Franco Bahia

Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brazil


Dashiell Menard

United States


Alexandra Mendes

MP, Canada


Amizade Mendes



Javier Mendez

United States


Prof. Saul Mendlovitz

Dag Hammarskjöld Professor, Rutgers Law School-Newark, United States


Ronnie Mendoza

United States


Prof. Lucia Susana Mendoza Morales

former MP (2006-2009), Mexico


Ignacio Mendoza Unzain

MP (-2013); President, Parliament of Mercosur, Paraguay


Ayomi Meneko



Anne-Catherine Menétrey-Savary

Nationalrat (1999-2007), Switzerland


Otávio Menezes dos Santos



Jacopo Mengarelli



Luigi Mengarelli



Susanne Menge*

MP, Deutscher Bundestag, Germany


Stefano Menolascina

Estudiante universitario (Ciencias Políticas), Italy


Prof. mohan menon

academician economist researcher, India


Mabel Mentor

Former MP (-2014), South Africa


Dorothée Menzner

MP (-2013), Germany


* Listed here as supporter of the parliamentary statement for inclusive global governance (2022)