All individual signatories

Luis Roberto Zamora Bolaños

Lawyer, Costa Rica


Tamar Zandberg

Member of Knesset, Israel


Prof. Dr. Véronique Zanetti



Jose Alejandro Zapata Perogordo

Former Senator, Mexico


Georg Zapfel



Rosmarie Zapfl

Nationalrat (1995-2006), Switzerland


Tom Zapletal

Czech Republic


Jana Zapletalová

Czech Republic


Prof. Juan José Zaragoza

Enseignant sciences, éducation à la citoyenneté, Belgium


Mohamed Salah Zaray

former MP; former Member, Pan-African Parliament, Tunisia


Brahim Salem Zarouk

MP; Member, Pan-African Parliament, Western Sahara


Chintan Zaveri

Working in retail shop as supervisor, United Kingdom


June Zawada

Vancouver, Canada


Dr. Jerzy Tomasz Zawisza

MP (-2011), Poland


Prof. Alfred de Zayas

UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order, United States


Prof. Jesús Humberto Zazueta Aguilar

former MP (1991-1994 and 2006-2009), Mexico


Christina Zedell

Former MP (1994-1996, 2006-2014), Sweden


Juli Zeh

Rechtswissenschaftlerin und Autorin, Germany


Cathleen Zeippen



Christine Zembol



Jonathan Zembol



Linnea Zembol



Oleg Zemskov

I do my work in a lisence deparment Marlelad Media,Gogoriki -animation, Russian Federation


Martina Zentner



Roger Zerbo

Anthropologue, Chercheur (CNRST); Formateur en Droits Humains (ACAT), Burkina Faso


Eva Zerhoch-Jah



Evelyn Zerin

United States


Dr. Brahim Zerouki

Artiste peintre-calligraphe d'Algérie, historien de l'Islam classique, France


Leah Zettel



Simon Zhavoronkov

Russian Federation


Luo Zheng Long

Lawyer, China


Andrew Zhironkin

Russian Federation


Carol Zhong



Johannes Zickler



Bonnie Ziegler



Dagmar Ziegler

MP, Germany


Gregory Ziegler

United States


Prof. Dr. Jean Ziegler



Mark Ziegler



Robin Zieseniss



Justin Zigabe

DR Congo


Helen Zille

Former Premier of the Western Cape (2009-2019); former Mayor of Cape Town (2006-2009), South Africa


Godfrey Zimbwa

United Kingdom


Gabriele Zimmer

Former MEP (GUE/NGL, 2004-2019), Germany


Christian Zimmermann

Büro für Menschenrechte und Minderheiten-Angelegenheiten, Berlin, Germany


Harro Zimmermann

Beruf: Tischler + Erzieher Entwicklungshilfe Projekt in Tansania, Germany


Marie-Jo Zimmermann

Deputée de Moselle, France


Sabine Zimmermann

MdB, Germany


Wolfgang Zinggl

former MP, Austria


Susan Zipp

Co-Chair, Global People’s Assembly Movement, United States


Josef Zisyadis

Conseil national (1991-1996, 1999-2011), Switzerland


Kabwe Zuberi Zitto

MP (2005-2015), Tanzania


Marius Zöller

Dipl.-Ing. (FH), Germany


Manfred Zöllmer

Former MP (-2017), Germany


Dr. Christoph Zöpel

former MP, 2002-2005 Chairman, Sub-Committee United Nations, Bundestag; 1999-2002 Secretary of State, Foreign Affairs Ministry; 2003-2007 Chairman, German United Nations Association, Germany


Miguel Andrés Costas Zottos

former MP, Argentina


Gabriel Zoukou

Chef du village Eboum Mbeng, Cameroon


Olga Zrihen

Senator, Belgium


Katharina Zügel



Prof. Mirhunisa Zukic

President, Union of Associations for Refugees, Displaced persons and Returnees in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegowina


Tilman Zülch

President, Society for Threatened Peoples International, Germany


Claudio Zulian



George Charles Zulu

MP (-2014), Malawi


Mussa Azan Zungu

MP (-2015), Tanzania


Dr. Matthias zur Bonsen

Unternehmensberater, Germany


Prof. Dr. Michael Zürn

Director, Department Transnational Conflicts and International Institutions, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin, Germany


Mariana Zuvic

ARI Pcia de Santa Cruz, Argentina


Inge Zwerts



Brigitte Zypries

MdB, Bundesministerin der Justiz a.D., Germany


Игорь Пестов

Russian Federation


محمد شريف محمد



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